make: *** No rule to make target `util.hpp', needed by `test'. Stop.
时间: 2023-09-28 14:08:36 浏览: 110
1. 确认`util.hpp`文件是否存在于您的项目中。检查文件路径是否正确,并确保文件名拼写正确。
2. 如果文件确实存在于项目中,请确保它被正确地包含在您的源代码中。您可以在相关文件中使用`#include "util.hpp"`指令将其包含进来。
3. 如果文件确实存在,并且已正确包含在源代码中,但仍然出现错误,请检查您的编译规则或Makefile文件。确保在编译过程中包含了正确的依赖项。
4. 另外,您还可以尝试清除编译缓存并重新编译项目。您可以使用`make clean`命令清除之前生成的目标文件和中间文件,然后再次运行`make`命令重新编译项目。
综上所述,要解决`make: *** No rule to make target 'util.hpp', needed by 'test'. Stop.`错误,您需要确保`util.hpp`文件存在于项目中,并正确包含在源代码中。如果问题仍然存在,请检查编译规则和清除缓存后重新编译项目。
make[1]: *** No rule to make target ‘volcano_5gregmeter_test.c’, needed by ‘volcano_5gregmeter_test.o’. Stop. 执行bb文件时 以上报错怎么解决
The error message "No rule to make target 'volcano_5gregmeter_test.c', needed by 'volcano_5gregmeter_test.o'. Stop." suggests that the build system is unable to locate a rule for compiling the source file 'volcano_5gregmeter_test.c' into an object file 'volcano_5gregmeter_test.o'. This typically happens when there's a missing dependency in your Makefile, which is a script used by build automation tools like GNU Make to manage the compilation process.
Here's how you can approach solving this issue:
1. **Check Makefile**: Ensure that there is a rule defined in your Makefile that compiles 'volcano_5gregmeter_test.c'. The syntax usually includes a pattern rule like `%.o : %.c`, indicating that an object file should be created from a C source file.
volcano_5gregmeter_test.o : volcano_5gregmeter_test.c
gcc -c $< -o $@
2. **Include dependencies**: If the file has any other dependencies (like headers), add them as prerequisites. For example, if 'util.h' is required:
volcano_5gregmeter_test.o : volcano_5gregmeter_test.c util.h
gcc -c $< -o $@
3. **Ensure correct toolchain**: Double-check that the necessary compiler (`gcc` in this case) and its path are correctly set in the Makefile or environment variables.
4. **Update/Run Make**: Clean the build directory (`rm -f *.o`) and then run `make` again to force the recreation of the object files.
If none of these solve the problem, check if the file or header exists at the expected location and that your project structure matches the rules specified in the Makefile.