<mti-table show-order show-check id="MarkExceptionTable" v-loading="loading" :filter="conPO" :data="pageDataPO" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" @pagination="pageMarkException" @row-dblclick="handleView"> <el-table-column label="标注对象" align="center" prop="markObjectName" /> <el-table-column label="所在任务名" align="center" prop="taskName" /> <el-table-column label="标注类型" align="center" prop="markType"> <template #default="{row}"> <dict-tag :options="dict.type['6102']" :value="row.markType" /> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="报错类型" align="center" prop="errorType"> <template #default="{row}"> <dict-tag :options="dict.type['6303']" :value="row.errorType" /> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="报错内容" align="center" prop="errorContent" /> <el-table-column label="最新记录时间" align="center" prop="updateDate" /> <el-table-column label="操作" align="center" class-name="small-padding fixed-width"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button type="text" @click="handleToLabel(scope.row)" v-hasPermi="['datamark:markException:edit']">去标注</el-button> <el-button type="text" @click="handleAbnormalSubmit(scope.row.markTaskExceptionId)">异常提交</el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </mti-table>
时间: 2023-07-21 12:57:47 浏览: 168
这是一段代码,它使用了一个名为 "mti-table" 的自定义组件来创建一个表格。这个表格包括了多个列,每列的标题和数据来源都在 el-table-column 标签中定义。其中,prop 属性指定了该列数据的属性名,align 属性指定了该列中数据的对齐方式。此外,还使用了一些插槽(slot)来自定义表格中的一些元素,比如操作列中的按钮。组件还接受一些参数,比如 data 参数表示表格的数据来源,@selection-change 表示当表格中的行被选中或取消选中时触发的事件,@pagination 表示当分页信息发生变化时触发的事件等等。这段代码可能是一个前端页面中的一部分,用于展示和操作数据。
IMU Mti-300
### 关于IMU MTi-300的技术信息
#### 技术规格
- **传感器类型**: 加速度计、陀螺仪、磁力计
- **输出频率范围**: 可达800Hz
- **工作温度范围**: -40°C至+85°C
- **供电电压**: 3.3V ± 5%
- **接口选项**: UART/SPI/I²C/USB
- **封装形式**: 小型轻量化设计,便于嵌入式安装
对于更详细的电气性能指标及机械尺寸描述,请参阅官方发布的《MTi-300 Data Sheet》文档[^2]。
#### 数据手册获取途径
为了获得最权威的产品资料,《MTi-300 API Reference Guide》可以从制造商网站下载。这两份文件不仅涵盖了硬件连接指南,还包括软件编程接口说明,有助于开发者快速上手并充分利用设备功能。
#### 应用案例分析
import requests
def fetch_mti_300_manual():
url = "https://www.xsens.com/support/downloads"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f"无法加载网址 {url}")
解释下面代码static UINT8 libTXT2PDU( UINT8* msgData, UINT16 msgLen, UINT8* pTpdu, AtciMsgInfo *pAtSmsMessage, AtciCharacterSet chset_type ) { UINT8 offset = 0; UINT16 len=0; //CPUartLogPrintf("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__); //int i; //for(i=0;i<msgLen;i++) //CPUartLogPrintf("%s: msgData[%d] %d 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, i, msgData[i], msgData[i]); /* Copy the first octet */ /*SIMCom xiaokai.yang sync sms code @2023-02-06 begin*/ #ifdef FEATURE_SIMCOM_SMS char headbuf[PDU_HEAD_SIZE] = {0x05,0x00,0x03}; scCmssexInfoT* p_CmgsexInfo = (scCmssexInfoT*)getCmgsexInfoInd(); if(pAtSmsMessage->udhPresent) { pTpdu[ offset++ ] = (pAtSmsMessage->fo)|(0x1<<6); } else #endif /*SIMCom xiaokai.yang sync sms code @2023-02-06 end*/ pTpdu[ offset++ ] = pAtSmsMessage->fo; /* Message Reference */ pTpdu[ offset++ ] = pAtSmsMessage->msgRef; /* Originating Address (TP-OA) */ { UINT8 idx; UINT8 *data; data = pTpdu + offset; /* Set the Address Length octet */ *data++ = strlen( (char *)pAtSmsMessage->destAddr ); #ifdef FEATURE_SIMCOM_SMS PAL_LogIo(SC_MODULE_SMS,PAL_DBG_LEVEL_INFO,"destAddr [%s]",( (char *)pAtSmsMessage->destAddr )); #endif /* Format the TON/NPI octet */ *data++ = (UINT8)((pAtSmsMessage->addrType << 4) | pAtSmsMessage->addrPlan | 0x80); /* Format the BCD digits */ for ( idx = 0; idx < strlen( (char *)pAtSmsMessage->destAddr ); idx++ ) { libPutPackedBcd( data, idx, pAtSmsMessage->destAddr[ idx ], TRUE ); } /* check if we need to tack on a filler */ if( idx & 0x01 ) { /* Yup -- do it! , reversed nibbles */ libPutPackedBcd( data, idx, ATCI_BCD_FILLER, TRUE ); ++idx; } /* We're done -- update the PDU byte index */ offset += idx/2 + ATCI_SMS_BCD_POS; } /* Protocol Identifier (TP-PID) */ pTpdu[ offset++ ] = pAtSmsMessage->pid; /* Data Coding Scheme (TP-DCS) */ pTpdu[ offset++ ] = pAtSmsMessage->dcs; if(((pAtSmsMessage->fo&ATCI_TP_MTI_MASK)==ATCI_SMS_SUBMIT_MTI)&&((pAtSmsMessage->fo&ATCI_SMS_TP_VPF)==0x10)) { pTpdu[ offset++ ] = pAtSmsMessage->vp; } /*SIMCom xiaokai.yang sync sms code @2023-02-06 begin*/ #ifdef FEATURE_SIMCOM_SMS if(pAtSmsMessage->udhPresent) { headbuf[3] = p_CmgsexInfo->mr; headbuf[4] = p_CmgsexInfo->msg_total; headbuf[5] = p_CmgsexInfo->msg_seg; memmove(msgData+PDU_HEAD_SIZE,msgData,msgLen); memcpy(msgData, headbuf, PDU_HEAD_SIZE); msgLen+=PDU_HEAD_SIZE; } PAL_LogIo(SC_MODULE_SMS,PAL_DBG_LEVEL_INFO,"offset1 [%d],msgLen=%d",offset,msgLen);//274 #endif /*SIMCom xiaokai.yang sync sms code @2023-02-06 end*/ /* Now for the Message Data (TP-UDL + TP-UD) */ //ScShowDataByHex((char *)pTpdu, offset); //CPUartLogPrintf("[sms]msgLen=%d",msgLen); libMsgEncodeUserData( pAtSmsMessage->udhPresent, pAtSmsMessage->dcs, pTpdu, msgData, msgLen, offset, &len,chset_type); return len; }