a=float(input()) if a<0: print(f'Invalid Value!') c=a-50 if c<0: dianfei=a*0.53 else: dianfei=50*0.53+c*0.58 print(f'cost = {dianfei:.2f}')我的有什么问题
时间: 2024-03-23 19:38:34 浏览: 50
1. 在格式化字符串前面加上字母"f"。你的代码中,格式化字符串前没有加"f",导致程序会报语法错误。
2. 如果输入的电量小于等于50,你的代码中会将计算 `c = a - 50`,然后判断 `c < 0`,这样会导致计算出的 `c` 值是负数,然而实际上这种情况下不需要计算 `c`。因此,你需要在判断电量是否小于等于50之后,直接将电费计算出来即可。
3. 在格式化字符串中,应该使用等号"="而不是冒号":",这样才能正确输出等号。
a = float(input())
if a < 0:
print('Invalid Value!')
elif a <= 50:
dianfei = a * 0.53
dianfei = 50 * 0.53 + (a - 50) * 0.58
print(f'cost = {dianfei:.2f}')
a=(float)(input()) if a<=50 and a>0: cost=a*0.53 print('cost = %.2f'%(cost)) elif a>50: cost=50*0.53+(a-50)*0.58 print('cost = %.2f'%(cost)) else: print('Invalid Value!')逐步分析
1. 用户输入用电量,使用 `input()` 函数,返回的是一个字符串类型的值,使用 `(float)` 将其转换为浮点数类型。
a = (float)(input())
2. 判断用户输入的用电量是否在合法范围内(大于0小于等于50),如果是,则计算电费。计算方法是用电量乘以电价0.53,使用 `print()` 函数输出结果,格式化输出保留2位小数。
if a <= 50 and a > 0:
cost = a * 0.53
print('cost = %.2f' % (cost))
3. 如果用户输入的用电量大于50,则计算电费。计算方法是前50度电费用为50*0.53,超过50度的部分电费用为(a-50)*0.58,总费用为两者之和。同样使用 `print()` 函数输出结果,格式化输出保留2位小数。
elif a > 50:
cost = 50 * 0.53 + (a - 50) * 0.58
print('cost = %.2f' % (cost))
4. 如果用户输入的用电量不在合法范围内,则输出“Invalid Value!”。
print('Invalid Value!')
You're going to write an interactive calculator! User input is assumed to be a formula that consist of a number, an operator (at least + and -), and another number, separated by white space (e.g. 1 + 1). Split user input using str.split(), and check whether the resulting list is valid. If the input does not consist of 3 elements, raise a SyntaxError('invalid syntax'). Try to convert the first and third input to a float (like so: float_value = float(str_value)). Catch any ValueError that occurs. If the second input is not '+' or '-', again raise a SyntaxError('invalid syntax'). If the input is valid, perform the calculation and print out the result. The user is then prompted to provide new input, and so on, until the user enters quit. An interaction could look like this: >>> 1 + 1 2.0 >>> 3.2 - 1.5 1.7000000000000002 >>> quit
Here's the code for the interactive calculator:
while True:
user_input = input("Enter a formula (or 'quit' to exit): ")
if user_input == "quit":
formula = user_input.split()
if len(formula) != 3:
raise SyntaxError("invalid syntax")
num1 = float(formula[0])
num2 = float(formula[2])
except ValueError:
raise SyntaxError("invalid syntax")
operator = formula[1]
if operator not in ["+", "-"]:
raise SyntaxError("invalid syntax")
if operator == "+":
result = num1 + num2
result = num1 - num2
This code uses a while loop to keep prompting the user for input until they enter 'quit'. It then splits the input into a list of three elements and checks whether the input is valid. If it is, it performs the calculation and prints the result. If not, it raises a SyntaxError.