如何编写 "cameras":[ { "cameraInx":1 //下标 "cameraName":"ch1" //名称 }, { "cameraInx":2 //下标 "cameraName":"ch3" //名称 } ]
时间: 2023-07-03 08:19:48 浏览: 57
这是一个 JSON 格式的数据,可以使用任何一种编程语言来编写它。下面是使用 Python 语言编写该数据的示例代码:
cameras = [
"cameraInx": 1,
"cameraName": "ch1"
"cameraInx": 2,
"cameraName": "ch3"
在这段代码中,我们使用了 Python 的列表(list)来表示摄像头列表,其中每个元素都是一个字典(dict),包含了摄像头的下标和名称。使用不同的编程语言,代码的写法会略有不同,但是 JSON 格式的数据结构是相同的。
{ "code": "0x02401003", "msg": "Invalid Signature! and StringToSign: POST\n*/*\napplication/json\nx-ca-key:24036759\nx-ca-nonce:ff0d7769-b490-429b-8feb-2613ceb0ab40\nx-ca-timestamp:1685193632930\n/artemis//api/video/v2/cameras/previewURLs?24036759=3gUZmLbwEyELiYqozZHL" }
Default memory usage limits of Linux kernel USB stack is too low for some cases (especially with >1 camera). To avoid issues you have to raise or disable that limit - add the following line to /etc/rc.local or analogous file: echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore/
CSDN知道: To raise or disable the default memory usage limits of the Linux kernel USB stack, you can add the following line to the /etc/rc.local or analogous file:
echo 0 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
This command sets the `usbfs_memory_mb` parameter to 0, effectively disabling the memory usage limit. This can be helpful when dealing with scenarios involving multiple cameras or other USB devices.