for t=1:24%24小时潮流计算 mpc=case33bw; mpc.bus(13,3)=mpc.bus(13,3)-pv(1,t);%光伏 12 光伏在13节点(P-光伏) mpc.bus(18,3)=mpc.bus(18,3)-wt(1,t);%风 33 风电在18节点(P-风电) mpc.bus(33,4)=mpc.bus(33,4)-wt(1,t)*0.328;%风无功出力 33节点(Q-风Q) mpc.bus(33,3)=mpc.bus(33,3)-wt(1,t);%风有功出力 18 33节点(p-风P) mpc.bus(5,4)=mpc.bus(5,4)-Cb1(1,t); %c1在5节点 mpc.bus(24,4)=mpc.bus(24,4)-Cb2(1,t); %24节点 mpc.bus(25,4)=mpc.bus(25,4)-Cb3(1,t); %25节点 res=runopf(mpc,mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0));%(潮流计算) if res.success==1 disp('潮流计算成功!') ploss=ploss+res.branch(:,14);
时间: 2023-09-12 07:07:50 浏览: 353
1. 在每个时刻t,根据光伏、风电和负荷的变化情况,更新电力系统的节点数据和支路数据,其中包括节点的有功出力、无功出力和电压等信息,以及支路的阻抗等参数。
2. 使用MATPOWER工具箱中的runopf函数对电力系统进行潮流计算,计算得到电力系统中各个节点和支路的电压、电流、功率等信息,保存在结构体变量res中。
3. 判断潮流计算是否成功,如果成功则在命令窗口中输出“潮流计算成功!”。
4. 从res结构体中提取出所有支路的有功损耗,保存在res.branch(:,14)中。
5. 将所有支路的有功损耗加入到变量ploss中,最终得到电力系统中所有支路的总损耗。
This line of code extracts the variables 'baseMVA', 'bus', 'gen', and 'branch' from the input mpc struct and assigns them to separate variables.
- 'baseMVA' is the base MVA used for the power flow calculation.
- 'bus' contains information about the buses in the power system, such as their voltage magnitude and phase angle.
- 'gen' contains information about the generators in the power system, such as their maximum and minimum power output limits.
- 'branch' contains information about the branches connecting the buses, such as their resistance and reactance values.
By separating these variables, we can access and manipulate the power system data more easily.
res=runopf(mpc,mpoption('out.all',0,'verbose',0));%(潮流计算) if res.success==1 disp('潮流计算成功!') ploss=ploss+sum(res.branch(:,14));