Matlab报错函数或变量 'initializega' 无法识别。 出错 GABP (第 49 行) initPpp = initializega(pop_num, bounds, 'gabpEval', [], prec); 怎么改
时间: 2023-06-07 18:08:47 浏览: 795
根据错误提示,MATLAB 无法识别 'initializega' 函数或变量。一种可能的解决方法是检查 initializega 函数或变量是否正确定义或者是否正确地添加了路径。你也可以尝试使用 MATLAB 的搜索路径工具,以确保 MATLAB 可以找到 initializega 函数或变量。如果问题仍然存在,请考虑查阅相关的帮助文档或咨询 MATLAB 的技术支持。
import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import linprog def integer_cutting_plane(c, A, b, bounds): relaxed_A = A relaxed_b = b while True: res = linprog(c=c, A_ub=relaxed_A, b_ub=relaxed_b, bounds=bounds) x = res.x if all(int(val) == val for val in x): return x.astype(int) new_constraint = (relaxed_A @ x <= relaxed_b) relaxed_A = np.vstack((relaxed_A, new_constraint)) def get_bounds(): return [(0, None), (0, None)] def get_c(): return np.array([40, 90]) def get_A(): return np.array([[-9, -7], [-7, -20]]) def get_b(): return np.array([-56, -70]) if __name__ == '__main__': bounds = get_bounds() integer_cutting_plane(get_c(), get_A(), get_b(), bounds)以上代码运行报错ValueError: Invalid input for linprog: b_ub must be a 1-D array; b_ub must not have more than one non-singleton dimension and the number of rows in A_ub must equal the number of values in b_ub 请解决
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linprog
def integer_cutting_plane(c, A, b, bounds):
relaxed_A = A
relaxed_b = b
while True:
res = linprog(c=c, A_ub=relaxed_A, b_ub=relaxed_b.flatten(), bounds=bounds)
x = res.x
if all(int(val) == val for val in x):
return x.astype(int)
new_constraint = (relaxed_A @ x <= relaxed_b)
relaxed_A = np.vstack((relaxed_A, new_constraint))
def get_bounds():
return [(0, None), (0, None)]
def get_c():
return np.array([40, 90])
def get_A():
return np.array([[-9, -7], [-7, -20]])
def get_b():
return np.array([-56, -70])
if __name__ == '__main__':
bounds = get_bounds()
integer_cutting_plane(get_c(), get_A(), get_b(), bounds)
以上代码中,start_cell, end_cell = range_.bounds 报错了
这里需要更多的上下文信息才能确定问题的根本原因。但是,根据错误提示,可能是 `range_` 的 `bounds` 属性返回了一个非法的值,导致无法将其分配给 `start_cell` 和 `end_cell` 变量。建议检查 `range_` 对象是否存在问题,并确保其具有有效的 `bounds` 属性。