时间: 2023-09-25 12:06:18 浏览: 94
This is a Spring MVC annotation that maps a URL endpoint to a method that handles requests with a specific ID parameter. The endpoint URL would be something like "/getById1" or "/getById123", and the method annotated with this mapping would receive the value of "id" as a parameter. For example:
public ResponseEntity<MyObject> getById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
MyObject obj = myService.findById(id);
return ResponseEntity.ok(obj);
In this example, the method "getById" handles GET requests to the endpoint "/getById{id}", where "{id}" is a placeholder for any ID value. The "@PathVariable("id")" annotation maps the "id" parameter to the value in the URL path, and the method calls a service to retrieve the object with that ID. The method returns a ResponseEntity with the object and an HTTP status code of 200 (OK).