opencv stitch
时间: 2023-12-06 11:01:56 浏览: 78
Stitching in OpenCV refers to the process of combining multiple images to create a larger image. This can be done using various techniques such as feature detection, feature matching, and image blending.
Here are the steps to perform image stitching in OpenCV:
1. Load the images: Load the images that need to be stitched together.
2. Detect features: Detect features in each image, such as corners or keypoints.
3. Match features: Match the features between each pair of adjacent images.
4. Estimate transformations: Estimate the transformations between each pair of images, based on the matched features.
5. Warp images: Warp each image to align it with the rest of the images.
6. Blend images: Blend the images together to create a seamless stitch.
7. Display the result: Display the final stitched image.
OpenCV provides various functions and modules to perform these steps, such as the cv::FeatureDetector, cv::DescriptorMatcher, cv::findHomography, and cv::warpPerspective functions. There are also pre-built classes such as cv::Stitcher that simplify the stitching process.