时间: 2023-09-11 11:04:49 浏览: 298


### 回答1:
function [az,el,rho] = ecef2azel(lat,lon,hgt,x,y,z)
% Constants
a = 6378137; % Earth's semi-major axis (m)
b = 6356752.3142; % Earth's semi-minor axis (m)
e = sqrt(1 - (b/a)^2); % Eccentricity
phi = deg2rad(lat); % Latitude (radians)
lambda = deg2rad(lon); % Longitude (radians)
N = a / sqrt(1 - e^2*sin(phi)^2); % Prime vertical radius of curvature
X = x - cos(phi)*cos(lambda)*hgt; % ECEF X coordinate
Y = y - cos(phi)*sin(lambda)*hgt; % ECEF Y coordinate
Z = z + sin(phi)*hgt; % ECEF Z coordinate
rho = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2); % Geocentric distance
sin_phi_p = Z / rho; % Sine of the geocentric latitude
cos_phi_p = sqrt(1 - sin_phi_p^2); % Cosine of the geocentric latitude
sin_lambda = Y / sqrt(X^2 + Y^2); % Sine of the longitude
cos_lambda = X / sqrt(X^2 + Y^2); % Cosine of the longitude
sin_phi = sin_phi_p*cos(deg2rad(90-lat)) + cos_phi_p*sin(deg2rad(90-lat))*cos(deg2rad(lon)); % Sine of the latitude
cos_phi = sqrt(1 - sin_phi^2); % Cosine of the latitude
az = rad2deg(atan2(-sin_lambda,cos_lambda*sin_phi - tan(phi)*cos_phi)); % Azimuth angle (degrees)
el = rad2deg(asin(sin_phi_p*sin(deg2rad(90-lat)) - cos_phi_p*cos(deg2rad(90-lat))*cos(deg2rad(lon))*cos_phi)); % Elevation angle (degrees)
% Example usage
lat = 37.7749; % San Francisco latitude (degrees)
lon = -122.4194; % San Francisco longitude (degrees)
hgt = ; % San Francisco height above sea level (m)
[x,y,z] = geodetic2ecef(lat,lon,hgt); % Convert geodetic coordinates to ECEF coordinates
[az,el,rho] = ecef2azel(lat,lon,hgt,x,y,z); % Convert ECEF coordinates to azimuth, elevation, and range
### 回答2:
function [enuCoordinates] = ecef2enu(ecefCoordinates, referenceLocation)
% ecefCoordinates: [x, y, z] in meters
% referenceLocation: [latitude, longitude, altitude] in degrees and meters
% Convert reference location to ECEF coordinates
[refX, refY, refZ] = geodetic2ecef(referenceLocation(1), referenceLocation(2), referenceLocation(3));
% Compute the rotation matrix from ECEF to ENU coordinates
phi = deg2rad(referenceLocation(1));
lambda = deg2rad(referenceLocation(2));
rotationMatrix = [-sin(lambda), cos(lambda), 0;
-sin(phi)*cos(lambda), -sin(phi)*sin(lambda), cos(phi);
cos(phi)*cos(lambda), cos(phi)*sin(lambda), sin(phi)];
% Convert ECEF coordinates to ENU coordinates
enuCoordinates = rotationMatrix * (ecefCoordinates' - [refX; refY; refZ]);
% Define the ECEF coordinates
x = 3827074.028;
y = 369539.961;
z = 5070608.726;
% Define the reference location (Beijing)
latitude = 39.9042;
longitude = 116.4074;
altitude = 43.0;
% Convert ECEF coordinates to ENU coordinates
enuCoordinates = ecef2enu([x, y, z], [latitude, longitude, altitude]);
% Display the ENU coordinates
fprintf('East: %.2f meters\n', enuCoordinates(1));
fprintf('North: %.2f meters\n', enuCoordinates(2));
fprintf('Up: %.2f meters\n', enuCoordinates(3));
### 回答3:
ECEF(Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed)坐标系是一种基于地球中心的固定坐标系,在许多应用领域中常用于描述位置和定位。而站心坐标系是以某一观测站为原点建立的坐标系,可以用于确定目标物体在该观测站上的位置。
function [azimuth, elevation, range] = ecef2station(ecef, station)
% 输入参数:
% ecef:目标物体在ECEF坐标系中的坐标(以米为单位)
% station:观测站在ECEF坐标系中的坐标(以米为单位)
% 计算目标物体到观测站的矢量
delta = ecef - station;
% 计算目标物体到观测站的方位角(azimuth,单位为弧度)
azimuth = atan2(delta(2), delta(1));
% 计算目标物体到观测站的仰角(elevation,单位为弧度)
range_horiz = norm(delta(1:2));
range = norm(delta);
elevation = atan2(delta(3), range_horiz);
接下来,我们以一个例子来说明如何使用该程序。设定目标物体在ECEF坐标系中的坐标为[7440000, 633600, 5279000](单位:米),观测站在ECEF坐标系中的坐标为[7388000, 615500, 5240000](单位:米)。我们可以使用以下代码计算转换后的站心坐标系:
ecef = [7440000, 633600, 5279000];
station = [7388000, 615500, 5240000];
[azimuth, elevation, range] = ecef2station(ecef, station);
fprintf('方位角(azimuth):%f°\n', rad2deg(azimuth));
fprintf('仰角(elevation):%f°\n', rad2deg(elevation));
fprintf('距离(range):%f米\n', range);