时间: 2023-09-08 08:08:18 浏览: 84
以下是 matlab 汉明码编码和解码的示例代码:
function [coded] = hamming_encode(data)
%HAMMING_ENCODE Encode binary data using Hamming code.
% coded = HAMMING_ENCODE(data) encodes binary data using Hamming code.
% data: input binary data
% coded: output encoded data
% Define parity check matrix
H = [1 1 1 0 1 0 0;
1 0 1 0 0 1 0;
1 0 0 1 0 0 1];
% Calculate number of parity bits required
k = size(data, 2);
r = ceil(log2(k + 1));
% Add zeros to data to make the length a power of 2
data = [data zeros(1, 2^r - k - 1)];
% Calculate parity bits
for i = 1:r
% Calculate the bits to be XORed
idx = 2^(i-1) : 2^i - 1;
bits = mod(sum(data(idx)), 2);
% Replace parity bit
data(2^(i-1)) = bits;
% Calculate output encoded data
coded = [data zeros(1, r)];
function [decoded] = hamming_decode(data)
%HAMMING_DECODE Decode binary data using Hamming code.
% decoded = HAMMING_DECODE(data) decodes binary data using Hamming code.
% data: input binary data
% decoded: output decoded data
% Define parity check matrix
H = [1 1 1 0 1 0 0;
1 0 1 0 0 1 0;
1 0 0 1 0 0 1];
% Calculate number of parity bits required
r = size(H, 1);
% Calculate syndrome
syndrome = mod(data * H', 2);
% Check for errors
if sum(syndrome) ~= 0
% Find index of error bit
error_idx = bin2dec(num2str(syndrome));
% Correct error bit
data(error_idx) = mod(data(error_idx) + 1, 2);
% Remove parity bits
decoded = data(1:end-r);