用团顶点数改进的上界思想解答以下问题: 考虑最大团问题的子集空间树中第i层的一个结点x,i设MinDegree(x)是以结点x为根的子树中所有结点度数的最小值。 设x.u=min{x.cn+n-i+1,MinDegree(x)+1},依此xu的定义重写算法bbMaxClique
时间: 2024-03-17 16:42:45 浏览: 67
bestClique = []
stack = [(G, [])]
while stack:
(graph, clique) = stack.pop()
if not graph:
if len(clique) > len(bestClique):
bestClique = clique
# Choose a pivot vertex with maximum degree
pivot = max(graph, key=lambda v: len(graph[v]))
for vertex in graph[pivot]:
# Only consider vertices that have at least as many neighbors as the pivot
if vertex in graph and len(graph[vertex]) >= len(graph[pivot]):
# Update the degree sequence of the remaining vertices
neighbors = graph[vertex]
graph = {v: neighbors.intersection(graph[v]) for v in graph if v in neighbors}
# Add the chosen vertex to the clique and continue searching
stack.append((graph, clique + [vertex]))
return bestClique
1. 在算法的开始,我们定义一个字典`min_degrees`来存储每个结点的MinDegree值。初始时,我们将所有结点的MinDegree值设为0。
2. 在算法的while循环中,在选择中心点时,我们可以选择MinDegree值最大的结点。
3. 选择了中心点后,我们可以按照以下方式更新该结点的x.u值:
x.u = min(x.cn + n - i + 1, min_degrees[x] + 1)
4. 在算法的内部循环中,我们只考虑MinDegree值大于等于当前结点x.u的结点作为候选点。
candidates = [v for v in graph if min_degrees[v] >= x.u]
5. 在递归调用算法时,我们需要更新每个子树中结点的MinDegree值。具体地,对于每个子树中的结点v,我们可以按照以下方式更新它的MinDegree值:
min_degrees[v] = max(min_degrees[v], len(graph[v]) - 1)
def bbMaxClique(G):
bestClique = []
stack = [(G, [], {v: 0 for v in G})]
n = len(G)
while stack:
(graph, clique, min_degrees) = stack.pop()
if not graph:
if len(clique) > len(bestClique):
bestClique = clique
# Choose a pivot vertex with maximum MinDegree
pivot = max(graph, key=lambda v: min_degrees[v])
for vertex in [v for v in graph if min_degrees[v] >= min_degrees[pivot]]:
# Update the degree sequence of the remaining vertices
neighbors = graph[vertex]
graph = {v: neighbors.intersection(graph[v]) for v in graph if v in neighbors}
# Update the MinDegree of the remaining vertices
for v in graph:
min_degrees[v] = max(min_degrees[v], len(graph[v]) - 1)
# Update the MinDegree of the chosen vertex
min_degrees[vertex] = max(min_degrees[vertex], len(neighbors) - 1)
# Compute xu and add the chosen vertex to the clique
i = n - len(graph) + len(clique) + 1
xu = min(len(clique) + len(neighbors) + 1, min_degrees[pivot] + 1, len(graph) + i)
stack.append((graph, clique + [vertex], min_degrees))
return bestClique