802.11a matlab仿真,802.11a OFDM MATLAB仿真代码!(推荐)
时间: 2023-12-29 22:04:42 浏览: 99
以下是802.11a OFDM MATLAB仿真代码的示例:
%% 802.11a OFDM Simulation
% Define constants
FFT_SIZE = 64; % FFT size
CP_SIZE = 16; % Cyclic prefix size
DATARATE = 6e6; % Data rate
SNR = 10; % Signal-to-noise ratio
NUM_PACKETS = 10; % Number of packets to simulate
% Create an 802.11a OFDM modulator
wifiMod = comm.OFDMModulator('FFTLength', FFT_SIZE, 'CyclicPrefixLength', CP_SIZE);
% Create an AWGN channel
awgnChan = comm.AWGNChannel('NoiseMethod', 'Signal to noise ratio', 'SignalPower', 1);
% Create a BER calculator
berCalc = comm.ErrorRate;
% Loop through each packet
for i = 1:NUM_PACKETS
% Generate random data
data = randi([0 1], 48*8, 1);
% Modulate the data using the WiFi OFDM modulator
modData = wifiMod(data);
% Add AWGN to the modulated data
noisyModData = awgnChan(modData);
% Demodulate the modulated data using the WiFi OFDM demodulator
demodData = wifiDemod(noisyModData);
% Calculate the bit error rate
ber = berCalc(data, demodData);
% Display the bit error rate
fprintf('Packet %d: BER = %f\n', i, ber(1))
该代码使用MATLAB内置的comm库来创建一个802.11a OFDM调制器,并将数据通过AWGN信道传输,最后进行解调和误码率计算。可以根据需要调整常量参数,例如FFT大小、循环前缀大小、数据速率和信噪比等。