What tags are used to define the terms and their definitions in a definition list?
时间: 2023-11-22 12:56:02 浏览: 90
The <dl> tag is used to define a definition list in HTML. Each term and its definition are defined using the <dt> and <dd> tags, respectively. The <dt> tag is used to define the term (the word being defined) and the <dd> tag is used to define its definition. Here's an example:
<dd>HyperText Markup Language - a markup language used to create web pages.</dd>
<dd>Cascading Style Sheets - a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.</dd>
<dd>A high-level, interpreted programming language used to create interactive websites and web applications.</dd>
In this example, "HTML", "CSS", and "JavaScript" are the terms being defined and their respective definitions are defined using the <dd> tag.