sysDictItemService.list(Wrappers.<SysDictItem>query().lambda().eq(SysDictItem::getDictType, type))
时间: 2023-12-27 18:01:54 浏览: 72
This code is written in Java and is calling a method called "list" from a service class called "sysDictItemService". The parameter being passed to the method is a query wrapper that is filtering the results by a specific "dictType" value.
The "Wrappers" class is part of the MyBatis-Plus library, which is a popular Java persistence framework that provides enhanced query capabilities on top of the standard MyBatis framework.
The lambda expression used in the query wrapper is specifying that the "eq" condition should be applied to the "dictType" property of the "SysDictItem" class, with the value being passed in as the "type" parameter. This will return a list of all the "SysDictItem" objects that match the given criteria.