def __str__(self): #定义输出格式 if isdir(self.path): output = self.path + ' (' + self.get_hash() + ')' else: output = self.path + ' (' + self.get_hash() + ')' child_count = 0 for child in self.children: toadd = str(child) line_count = 0 for line in toadd.split('\n'): output += '\n' if line_count == 0 and child_count == len(self.children) - 1: output += '`-- ' + line elif line_count == 0 and child_count != len(self.children) - 1: output += '|-- ' + line elif child_count != len(self.children) -1: output += ' ' + line else: output += ' ' + line line_count += 1 child_count += 1 return output
时间: 2024-02-14 16:32:40 浏览: 63
这段代码定义了Node类的__str__方法,用于将节点以一定格式输出。首先判断当前节点的路径是否为目录,如果是,将路径和节点哈希值拼接为一个字符串。如果不是,则仅将路径和节点哈希值拼接为一个字符串。然后遍历当前节点的子节点列表,对每个子节点递归调用__str__方法,得到子节点的输出字符串。接着根据子节点的输出字符串进行格式化输出,使用“|-- ”表示非最后一个子节点,使用“`-- ”表示最后一个子节点。需要注意的是,为了保证输出格式的正确性,代码中使用了多个计数器和分隔符,需要仔细理解才能理解其具体实现。
改进以下代码 def clone(self, project_id, branch, to_path, contents): """ :param project_id: 项目Id :return: """ project = start._get_project(project_id) ssh_url = project.ssh_url_to_repo project_name = str(ssh_url).split('/')[-1].replace('.git','') goto_path = start._get_full_path(to_path,project_name) start._makedirs(goto_path) retcode ="export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 && git clone -b {0} {1} {2}".format(branch, ssh_url, goto_path), shell=True) commitid = subprocess.check_output("cd {}/{} && git rev-parse HEAD".format(to_path,project_name), shell=True,cwd=goto_path) start.lib_commitid(contents,project_name,branch,commitid) return retcode
这段代码的实现比较简单,主要是使用git clone命令进行克隆,并记录克隆后的commit ID信息。但是,它也存在一些问题:
1. subprocess.call和subprocess.check_output函数不够安全,容易受到命令注入攻击;
2. 没有对参数进行检查和错误处理,可能会导致程序崩溃或安全问题;
3. 代码中硬编码了一些命令行参数,不够灵活。
1. 使用subprocess.run函数代替subprocess.call和subprocess.check_output函数,可以更加安全地执行命令,并且可以更好地处理命令输出和错误;
2. 对参数进行类型检查和错误处理,例如检查project_id是否有效、to_path是否为合法路径等;
3. 将命令行参数作为函数参数传入,增加代码的灵活性。
import os
import subprocess
def clone(self, project_id, branch, to_path, contents=None):
# 检查参数是否有效
if not isinstance(project_id, int):
raise TypeError("project_id must be an integer")
if not isinstance(branch, str):
raise TypeError("branch must be a string")
if not isinstance(to_path, str):
raise TypeError("to_path must be a string")
if not os.path.exists(to_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{to_path} does not exist")
if not os.path.isdir(to_path):
raise NotADirectoryError(f"{to_path} is not a directory")
if contents is not None and not isinstance(contents, dict):
raise TypeError("contents must be a dictionary")
# 获取项目信息和SSH URL
project = start._get_project(project_id)
ssh_url = project.ssh_url_to_repo
# 获取目标路径并创建目录
project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ssh_url))[0]
goto_path = os.path.join(to_path, project_name)
os.makedirs(goto_path, exist_ok=True)
# 执行git clone命令并获取commit ID
command = ["git", "clone", "-b", branch, "--depth=1", "--single-branch", "--recurse-submodules", ssh_url, goto_path], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
commitid = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=goto_path, text=True).strip()
# 记录提交信息
if contents is not None:
start.lib_commitid(contents, project_name, branch, commitid)
return 0