时间: 2023-04-28 18:03:23 浏览: 690
Ubuntu 20.04默认安装的是Python 3.8版本。如果你想要重新安装或者升级到更高版本的Python,可以使用apt-get命令进行安装。
1. 更新apt-get软件包列表: `sudo apt-get update`
2. 安装Python3.8: `sudo apt-get install python3.8`
3. 确认安装是否成功: `python3.8 -V`
您可以按照以下步骤卸载Ubuntu 20.04上的Python 3.8:
1. 打开终端并输入以下命令以卸载Python 3.8:
sudo apt-get remove python3.8
2. 确认卸载操作并等待命令执行完成。
3. 您可以使用以下命令删除Python 3.8的配置文件和依赖项:
sudo apt-get autoremove
4. 最后,您可以使用以下命令清理系统中的不必要的软件包:
sudo apt-get autoclean
请注意,卸载Python 3.8可能会影响系统中其他软件的正常运行,因此请谨慎操作。
resume ubuntu20.04 python 3.8
To resume Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8, you can follow these steps:
1. Open the terminal by pressing `Ctrl+Alt+T` on the keyboard.
2. Type the following command to check if Python 3.8 is already installed:
python3.8 --version
If Python 3.8 is installed, you will see its version number. If not, you can install it using the following command:
sudo apt install python3.8
3. Once Python 3.8 is installed, you can create a virtual environment for your project using the following command:
python3.8 -m venv myenv
This command will create a virtual environment named `myenv` in the current directory.
4. Activate the virtual environment using the following command:
source myenv/bin/activate
This will activate the virtual environment, and you will see `(myenv)` at the beginning of the terminal prompt.
5. Now you can install any Python packages you need for your project using `pip`, the Python package manager.
6. When you're done working in the virtual environment, you can deactivate it using the following command:
This will return you to the system's default Python environment.
That's it! You can now resume your work on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8.