时间: 2024-02-21 09:58:28 浏览: 64
以下是 Python 代码实现 NFA 转 DFA 的过程,包含输入输出:
def epsilon_closure(states, transitions):
计算状态集合 states 的 epsilon 闭包
closure = set(states)
stack = list(states)
while stack:
state = stack.pop()
if state in transitions and '' in transitions[state]:
for s in transitions[state]['']:
if s not in closure:
return closure
def move(states, transitions, symbol):
计算状态集合 states 在符号 symbol 下的转移状态
move_states = set()
for state in states:
if state in transitions and symbol in transitions[state]:
return move_states
def nfa_to_dfa(nfa_states, nfa_transitions, start_state):
将 NFA 转换为 DFA
dfa_states = []
dfa_transitions = {}
dfa_start_state = frozenset(epsilon_closure([start_state], nfa_transitions))
unmarked_states = [dfa_start_state]
while unmarked_states:
dfa_state = unmarked_states.pop()
if dfa_state not in dfa_states:
for symbol in nfa_alphabet:
move_states = move(dfa_state, nfa_transitions, symbol)
closure = epsilon_closure(move_states, nfa_transitions)
if closure:
dfa_transitions[(dfa_state, symbol)] = frozenset(closure)
if closure not in dfa_states + unmarked_states:
return dfa_states, dfa_transitions, dfa_start_state
# 输入示例
nfa_states = {'q0', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3'}
nfa_alphabet = {'0', '1'}
nfa_transitions = {
'q0': {'': {'q1', 'q2'}},
'q1': {'0': {'q1'}, '1': {'q1', 'q3'}},
'q2': {'0': {'q2', 'q3'}, '1': {'q2'}},
'q3': {'1': {'q3'}}
start_state = 'q0'
# 输出示例
dfa_states, dfa_transitions, dfa_start_state = nfa_to_dfa(nfa_states, nfa_transitions, start_state)
print('DFA States:', dfa_states)
print('DFA Transitions:', dfa_transitions)
print('DFA Start State:', dfa_start_state)
在上述代码中,我们首先定义了输入的 NFA 状态集合 `nfa_states`、字母表 `nfa_alphabet`、转移函数 `nfa_transitions` 和起始状态 `start_state`。接着调用 `nfa_to_dfa()` 函数将 NFA 转换为 DFA,并输出转换后的 DFA 状态集合、转移函数和起始状态。