this.$parent is not a function
时间: 2023-10-01 08:02:19 浏览: 194
这个错误通常出现在 Vue.js 中,意味着你正在尝试从子组件中访问父组件的属性或方法,但是使用了错误的语法。
在 Vue.js 中,可以使用 `$parent` 属性来访问当前组件的父组件。但是,如果你将其作为函数调用,就会出现这个错误。
正确的做法应该是使用 `$parent` 属性来访问父组件的属性或方法。例如:
这将调用父组件中名为 `parentMethod` 的方法。
如果你需要在子组件中调用父组件的方法,也可以使用 `emit` 方法来触发一个自定义事件。父组件可以监听该事件并执行相应的方法。例如:
this.$emit('custom-event', data)
<ChildComponent @custom-event="parentMethod"></ChildComponent>
这将在子组件中触发一个名为 `custom-event` 的自定义事件,父组件可以通过 `@custom-event` 监听该事件并执行相应的方法。
uniapp报错this.$parent.getItemValue is not a function"
this.$on is not a function
This error message is commonly seen in Vue.js applications. It usually occurs when you are trying to use `$on` method on a component that does not have the `$on` method defined.
The `$on` method is used to listen to events emitted by the component. If you are trying to use it on a child component, make sure that the child component has the `$emit` method defined to trigger the event.
If you are using `$on` on the parent component, make sure that the child component has been properly registered and is emitting the correct event.
You can also check if you are using the correct syntax for `$on`. It should be called on the Vue instance, like this:
this.$on('event', callback)
Make sure that `this` refers to the Vue instance in your code.