DeveloperError: key is required to be a string or number.
时间: 2024-05-12 20:14:34 浏览: 327
This error message usually indicates that you are trying to use an object as a key in a Map or a property in an object, but the key needs to be a string or a number.
For example, if you have an object like this:
const obj = {
{a: 1}: 'value'
and you try to use `obj` as a key in a Map, you will get this error because the Map key must be a string or a number.
To fix this error, make sure that you are using strings or numbers as keys in your Maps or objects. If you need to use an object as a key, you can convert it to a string using `JSON.stringify()` or a similar method.
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "modelValue". Expected String with value "0", got Number with value 0. at <Input key=1 max-length=8 modelValue=0 ... >
这个警告是因为你传递给组件的 `modelValue` 属性的类型与组件定义的类型不匹配。组件期望一个字符串类型的值,但是你传递了一个数字类型的值。你需要将传递给组件的 `modelValue` 值转换成字符串类型,例如:
<Input key=1 max-length=8 :modelValue="String(0)" ... >
或者在组件定义时,将 `modelValue` 属性的类型设置为 `Number` 类型:
props: {
modelValue: {
type: Number,
required: true
import pyffx # 定义FPE使用的密钥和算法 key = b'secretkey' cipher = pyffx.String(b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345', key) # 脱敏手机号的函数 def encrypt_phone_number(phone_number): # 将手机号中间四位进行加密 encrypted = cipher.encrypt(phone_number[3:7]) # 将加密后的结果插入到原手机号的中间四位 return phone_number[:3] + encrypted + phone_number[7:] # 测试脱敏函数 phone_number = '13812345678' encrypted_phone_number = encrypt_phone_number(phone_number) print('原手机号:', phone_number) print('脱敏后手机号:', encrypted_phone_number)报错__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'length'
这个错误是因为`pyffx.String`需要一个`length`参数来指定加密后的字符串长度,缺失了这个参数导致了错误。你可以将`pyffx.String`改为`pyffx.String(b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345', length=len(phone_number))`,这样就可以将加密后的字符串长度设为原手机号的长度。修改后的代码如下:
import pyffx
# 定义FPE使用的密钥和算法
key = b'secretkey'
cipher = pyffx.String(b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345', length=len(phone_number), key=key)
# 脱敏手机号的函数
def encrypt_phone_number(phone_number):
# 将手机号中间四位进行加密
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(phone_number[3:7])
# 将加密后的结果插入到原手机号的中间四位
return phone_number[:3] + encrypted + phone_number[7:]
# 测试脱敏函数
phone_number = '13812345678'
encrypted_phone_number = encrypt_phone_number(phone_number)
print('原手机号:', phone_number)
print('脱敏后手机号:', encrypted_phone_number)
原手机号: 13812345678
脱敏后手机号: 138b8a0f5678