Message=if you give only one argument to maketrans it must be a dict Source=E:\1daer\mmxdzy\1\dzy1\ StackTrace: File "E:\1daer\mmxdzy\1\dzy1\", line 33, in decrypt mapping = str.maketrans(key) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "E:\1daer\mmxdzy\1\dzy1\", line 47, in <module> (Current frame) print(decrypt(cipher_text, key)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: if you give only one argument to maketrans it must be a dict
时间: 2023-08-02 12:09:09 浏览: 84
这个错误提示是在使用 `str.maketrans()` 函数时发生的。按照提示,如果您只给 `maketrans()` 函数传递一个参数,则它必须是一个字典对象,用于指定要替换的字符映射表。
在您的代码中,`maketrans()` 函数的参数 `key` 只是一个字符串。因此,Python 将其解释为要替换的字符序列,而不是映射表。这样会导致 `maketrans()` 函数抛出上述错误。
要解决此问题,请将 `key` 参数转换为映射表字典。您可以使用以下代码转换:
mapping = str.maketrans({key[i]: key[(i+1)%len(key)] for i in range(len(key))})
这将使用字典生成式创建一个映射表字典,然后将其传递给 `maketrans()` 函数。这样,您就可以通过传递一个字典对象来调用 `maketrans()` 函数,而不是一个字符串对象。
Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'
This error message usually occurs when you try to assign a string value to an integer variable or pass a string argument to a method that expects an integer argument. To resolve this issue, you need to convert the string value to an integer using the appropriate method.
For example, if you have a string variable named "myString" that contains an integer value, you can convert it to an integer using the Convert.ToInt32() method:
string myString = "123";
int myInt = Convert.ToInt32(myString);
Alternatively, you can use the int.TryParse() method to convert the string value to an integer safely:
string myString = "123";
int myInt;
if (int.TryParse(myString, out myInt))
// Conversion successful
// Conversion failed
In both cases, you will end up with an integer variable that you can use in your code without getting the "cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'" error message.