Criteria where = Criteria.where("serverIp").is(serverIp).and("port").is(port);
时间: 2024-05-24 17:11:48 浏览: 95
This criteria is used to create a query to find a document in a MongoDB collection where the "serverIp" field matches the provided "serverIp" value and the "port" field matches the provided "port" value.
For example, if we have a collection of servers with fields "serverIp" and "port", we can use this criteria to find a specific server by its IP address and port number.
The query would look something like this:
db.servers.find({ "serverIp": "123.456.789.0", "port": 8080 })
In this case, the server with IP address "123.456.789.0" and port number 8080 would be returned.
这段代码什么意思 for (MqQueueName mqQueueName : requestMqInfo.getNameWithIp()){ criteria.andOperator( Criteria.where("name").is(mqQueueName.getName()), Criteria.where("server").is(mqQueueName.getServer()) ); }
1.使用 "Criteria.where()" 方法创建一个查询条件对象,并将队列名字和服务器名字作为参数传递进去。
2.使用 "andOperator()" 方法创建一个查询条件组合对象,并将上述两个查询条件对象作为参数传递进去。
这样,最终生成的查询条件就是:队列名字等于当前遍历到的名字,且服务器名字等于当前遍历到的服务器名字。这个查询条件可以用于 MongoDB 数据库的查询操作,以找到符合条件的记录。