memcpy(0, b_voltage, sizeof(b_voltage)); 为什么会报错../Core/Src/main.c(506): warning: #2748-D: null argument provided for parameter marked with attribute "nonnull"
时间: 2024-03-17 07:40:44 浏览: 107
在你的代码中,`memcpy` 函数的第一个参数是一个空指针 `0`,同时你的编译器可能开启了非空指针检查,因此编译器会发出警告信息,提示你在 `nonnull` 属性的参数中传递了一个空指针。
memcpy(&some_variable, b_voltage, sizeof(b_voltage));
这里,`some_variable` 是一个有效的变量,你可以将 `b_voltage` 数组的值复制到这个变量中,从而避免了空指针的问题。
另外,你也可以使用 `memmove` 函数来完成相同的操作,它与 `memcpy` 函数类似,但能够处理重叠的内存区域。例如:
memmove(some_buffer, b_voltage, sizeof(b_voltage));
这里,`some_buffer` 是一个有效的缓冲区,你可以将 `b_voltage` 数组的值复制到这个缓冲区中,而不用担心源和目的地内存区域的重叠问题。
#0 0x1bbf5f1 in __interceptor_memcpy ../../../../libsanitizer/asan/ #1 0xdc36c05 in apache::thrift::transport::TBufferedTransport::readSlow(unsigned char*, unsigned int) (/data3/ken_group/
../src/Services/Public/public.c:776:9: note: include '<string.h>' or provide a declaration of 'memcpy'
This error message is indicating that the function `memcpy` is being used in the file `public.c` but the compiler cannot find a declaration for it.
To resolve this issue, you can either include the `string.h` library at the top of the file by adding `#include <string.h>` or provide a declaration for `memcpy` before it is used in the code.
Here's an example of how to provide a declaration for `memcpy`:
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
You can add this declaration before the function that uses `memcpy`.