Clearing both costmaps to unstuck robot(3.00m).
时间: 2024-04-14 22:30:35 浏览: 309
1. 首先,确保您已经启动了move_base节点。您可以使用以下命令启动move_base节点:
roslaunch <package_name> <launch_file_name>.launch
2. 在ROS中,move_base节点使用两个代价地图:全局代价地图(global costmap)和局部代价地图(local costmap)。要清空这两个代价地图以解除机器人卡住的情况,可以通过以下服务调用来实现:
rosservice call /move_base/clear_costmaps "{}"
ros中move_base警告Clearing both costmaps to unstuck robot(3.00m).是什么意思
Clearing both costmaps outside a square (3.00m) large centered on the robot means removing obstacles or obstacles information from both the global costmap and the local costmap in an area that forms a square with a side length of 3.00 meters, with the robot being at the center of the square.
The global costmap is a representation of the environment around the robot, typically used for long-term planning and navigation. It contains information about obstacles, free space, and other relevant data.
The local costmap, on the other hand, is a smaller representation of the environment immediately surrounding the robot. It is used for short-term planning and obstacle avoidance. By clearing both costmaps outside the specified square, any obstacles or obstacle information within that area will be removed, allowing the robot to navigate through that space without considering those obstacles.
This process of clearing the costmaps is often done to update the robot's perception of the environment and ensure accurate and up-to-date information for navigation.