def psd_topo(data,fname,name): plt.clf() freqs, psd = eeg_psd(data, 1000) mean_psd = np.mean(psd, axis=1) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im, _ = mne.viz.plot_topomap(mean_psd, two_cols, ch_type='eeg', axes=ax, show=False,cmap="Reds") fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) plt.title(name) plt.savefig(fname) 怎么改变这段代码的colorbar
时间: 2024-04-14 19:27:15 浏览: 181
- "Reds":红色调色板
- "Blues":蓝色调色板
- "Greens":绿色调色板
- "viridis":一种渐变的颜色映射
- "hot":热度图颜色映射
im, _ = mne.viz.plot_topomap(mean_psd, two_cols, ch_type='eeg', axes=ax, show=False, cmap="Blues")
请注意,根据你的需求,你可以选择适合的颜色映射。另外,确保你已经导入了必要的库(例如`import matplotlib.pyplot as plt`)以使用相关的绘图函数和参数。
def topo_model(): return redirect("") if __name__ == '__main__': = True, host='')
1. 函数topo_model()没有参数,它使用了Flask框架中的redirect函数将用户重定向到""这个URL。
2. 主程序中的if __name__ == '__main__':语句是Python中的特殊语法,表示只有当该脚本作为主程序运行时才会执行以下代码。
3., host='')是Flask框架中的方法,用于启动一个Web应用。其中,debug=True表示开启调试模式,host=''表示监听所有可用的网络接口。
super(_open_file, self).__init__(open(name, mode)) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'model/topo_based'
This error message indicates that the Python script is trying to access a file called "model/topo_based" but does not have the necessary permissions to do so. The most likely cause of this issue is that the file does not have read or write permissions for the user running the script.
To resolve this issue, you can try changing the permissions of the file by running the following command in the terminal:
chmod +rw model/topo_based
This will give read and write permissions to the file for the current user. Alternatively, you can try running the script with elevated permissions using the sudo command:
sudo python
This will run the script as a superuser and should give it the necessary permissions to access the file. However, be cautious when using the sudo command as it can potentially cause security issues.