<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.group9.trainmanager.mapper.FrontMapping"> <select id="selectByCondition" resultType="com.group9.trainmanager.model.Front"> select * from front where fro_del=0 <if test="froHtml !=null and froHtml != '' "> and fro_html like "%"#{froHtml}"%" </if> <if test="froJs !=null and froJs != '' "> and fro_js like "%"#{froJs}"%" </if> <if test="froCss !=null and froCss != '' "> and fro_css like "%"#{froCss}"%" </if> <if test="froVue !=null and froVue != '' "> and fro_vue like "%"#{froVue}"%" </if> <if test="froAxios !=null and froAxios != '' "> and fro_axios like "%"#{froAxios }"%" </if> <if test="froVueRouter !=null and froVueRouter != '' "> and fro_vuerouter like "%"#{froVueRouter }"%" </if> <if test="froVuex !=null and froVuex != '' "> and fro_vuex like "%"#{froVuex }"%" </if> <if test="froStuid !=null and froStuid != '' "> and fro_stuid= #{froStuid} </if> </select> </mapper>
时间: 2024-04-16 09:25:00 浏览: 163
mybatis-3-config/mapper.dtd 解决mybatis头文件报错
这是一个MyBatis的Mapper XML文件,它定义了一个名为`selectByCondition`的查询语句,用于根据条件查询前端数据。
在查询语句中,使用了`select * from front where fro_del=0`来选择所有`front`表中`fro_del=0`的记录。
然后使用了多个`<if>`元素来动态拼接条件,这些条件是根据传入的`Front`对象的属性值进行判断和拼接的。例如,如果传入的`froHtml`属性不为空,则拼接`and fro_html like "%#{froHtml}%"`作为查询条件。