时间: 2025-01-05 19:21:08 浏览: 14
### PTA平台批处理作业调度方法
- **负载均衡**:通过合理安排各处理器上运行的任务数量,防止某些节点过载而其他地方闲置的情况发生;
- **响应时间优化**:尽可能缩短从接收到请求至返回结果的时间间隔;
- **公平性保障**:保证所有等待中的作业都有机会获得必要的CPU周期和其他硬件支持;
#### 常见问题及其应对措施
- **死锁现象**:由于竞争共享资源可能导致部分或全部程序陷入无限期阻塞的状态。预防此类情况的发生可以通过采用银行家算法或其他类似的预占检测技术提前识别潜在风险点,并采取相应行动避免形成循环等待链路;
- **饥饿状况**:长时间得不到服务的低优先级进程可能会遭遇“饿死”。为此可以引入老化机制定期提升长期未被选中的候选者的级别权重从而增加其被挑选的可能性;
- **性能瓶颈**:如果发现特定阶段成为整个流水线效率低下之处,则需深入分析原因所在——可能是I/O操作频繁亦或是内存访问冲突等原因引起,并据此调整参数设置或者重构代码逻辑结构加以改进。
def batch_job_scheduler(jobs, resources):
A simple simulation of a batch job scheduler.
:param jobs: List of dictionaries containing information about each job such as required_resources and priority
:param resources: Dictionary with available system resources like CPU time or memory space
Returns scheduled_jobs list which contains tuples (job_id, start_time).
# Sort the incoming jobs based on their priorities from highest to lowest
sorted_jobs = sorted(jobs, key=lambda k: (-k['priority'], k['required_resources']))
current_resource_usage = {resource_type: 0 for resource_type in resources}
scheduled_jobs = []
for index, job_info in enumerate(sorted_jobs):
can_schedule_now = True
# Check whether there are enough free resources before scheduling this job
for res_key, amount_needed in job_info["required_resources"].items():
if current_resource_usage[res_key] + amount_needed > resources[res_key]:
can_schedule_now = False
if not can_schedule_now:
# Update used resources after successfully assigning one more task into queue
for item in job_info["required_resources"]:
current_resource_usage[item] += job_info["required_resources"][item]
scheduled_jobs.append((index+1, sum([j[1] for j in scheduled_jobs]) + 1))
return scheduled_jobs