梯形法求二重积分 python
时间: 2025-01-06 09:32:03 浏览: 7
### 使用Python实现梯形法求解二重积分
#### 准备工作
pip install numpy
import numpy as np
def integrand(x, y):
"""Example function to integrate."""
return (np.cos(np.pi * x)) ** 2 + (np.sin(2 * np.pi * y)) ** 2
#### 构建离散网格并初始化参数
# Define integration limits and number of points per axis.
nx, ny = 50, 75 # Number of sample points along each dimension
xa, xb = -1., 1. # Integration bounds on the X-axis
ya, yb = 0., 2. # Integration bounds on the Y-axis
# Create meshgrid from defined intervals.
X, Y = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(xa, xb, nx),
np.linspace(ya, yb, ny))
#### 应用复合梯形公式
dx = (xb - xa)/(nx-1) # Step size between adjacent samples over X-dimension
dy = (yb - ya)/(ny-1) # Step size between adjacent samples over Y-dimension
integral_value = 0.
for i in range(nx): # Iterate through all rows...
for j in range(ny): # ...and columns within grid cells
weight_factor = 1
if i==0 or i==(nx-1):
weight_factor *= .5
if j==0 or j==(ny-1):
weight_factor *= .5
integral_value += dx*dy*weight_factor*integrand(X[i][j],Y[i][j])
print(f"The estimated value using trapezoidal rule is {integral_value:.8f}.")[^1]
上述代码片段实现了基于梯形公式的简单版本来进行数值上的近似估计。然而当面对更复杂的几何形状或是更高维空间中的问题时,则可能需要借助更加高效的算法比如Gauss-Legendre quadrature等替代方案[^3]。