
发布时间: 2024-08-25 23:06:30 阅读量: 8 订阅数: 18
![数据库索引的基本概念与应用实战](https://dotnettrickscloud.blob.core.windows.net/img/data%20structures/3720230614132228.webp) # 1. 数据库分库分表的理论基础 数据库分库分表是一种将数据库中的数据分散存储在多个数据库或表中的技术,以提高数据库的性能和可扩展性。其基本原理是将数据根据一定的规则拆分到不同的数据库或表中,从而减轻单个数据库或表的压力。 分库分表技术主要有两种类型:水平分库分表和垂直分库分表。水平分库分表将数据按行拆分,将不同的数据行存储在不同的数据库或表中;垂直分库分表将数据按列拆分,将不同的数据列存储在不同的数据库或表中。 # 2. 数据库分库分表的实践方案 ### 2.1 水平分库分表 #### 2.1.1 分库策略 **哈希取模分库** ```python def hash_mod_shard(user_id): """ 哈希取模分库策略 :param user_id: 用户ID :return: 库序号 """ return user_id % num_shards ``` **逻辑判断分库** ```python def logic_shard(user_id): """ 逻辑判断分库策略 :param user_id: 用户ID :return: 库序号 """ if user_id < 100000: return 0 elif user_id < 200000: return 1 else: return 2 ``` #### 2.1.2 分表策略 **范围分表** ```python def range_shard(order_id): """ 范围分表策略 :param order_id: 订单ID :return: 表序号 """ if order_id < 100000: return 0 elif order_id < 200000: return 1 else: return 2 ``` **哈希取模分表** ```python def hash_mod_shard(order_id): """ 哈希取模分表策略 :param order_id: 订单ID :return: 表序号 """ return order_id % num_tables ``` ### 2.2 垂直分库分表 #### 2.2.1 垂直分库策略 **按业务模块分库** ```mermaid graph LR subgraph 用户模块 A[用户表] ```
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Advanced Network Configuration and Port Forwarding Techniques in MobaXterm

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The Application and Challenges of SPI Protocol in the Internet of Things

# Application and Challenges of SPI Protocol in the Internet of Things The Internet of Things (IoT), as a product of the deep integration of information technology and the physical world, is gradually transforming our lifestyle and work patterns. In IoT systems, each physical device can achieve int

MATLAB Versions and Deep Learning: Model Development Training, Version Compatibility Guide

# 1. Introduction to MATLAB Deep Learning MATLAB is a programming environment widely used for technical computation and data analysis. In recent years, MATLAB has become a popular platform for developing and training deep learning models. Its deep learning toolbox offers a wide range of functions a

The Prospects of YOLOv8 in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Vehicle Recognition and Traffic Optimization

# 1. Overview of YOLOv8 Target Detection Algorithm** YOLOv8 is the latest iteration of the You Only Look Once (YOLO) target detection algorithm, released by the Ultralytics team in 2022. It is renowned for its speed, accuracy, and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for vehicle identification and


![数据结构希尔排序方法](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/cd021217131c4a7198e19fd68e082812.png) # 1. 希尔排序算法概述 希尔排序算法,作为插入排序的一种更高效的改进版本,它是由数学家Donald Shell在1959年提出的。希尔排序的核心思想在于先将整个待排序的记录序列分割成若干子序列分别进行直接插入排序,待整个序列中的记录"基本有序"时,再对全体记录进行一次直接插入排序。这样的方式大大减少了记录的移动次数,从而提升了算法的效率。 ## 1.1 希尔排序的起源与发展 希尔排序算法的提出,旨在解决当时插入排序在处理大数据量


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