G. Krieger, M. Younis, N. Gebert, S. Huber, F. Bordoni, A. Patyuchenko, A. Moreira
Microwaves and Radar Institute, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
82234 Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, email: gerhard.krieger@dlr.de
Abstract— This paper reviews advanced multi-channel SAR system concepts for the imaging of wide swaths with high resolution.
Several novel system architectures employing both direct radiating arrays and reflector antennas fed by a digitial array are
introduced and compared to each other with regard to their imaging performance. In addition, innovative operational SAR imaging
modes are proposed which enable the mapping of ultra-wide swaths with high azimuth resolution. The new techniques and
technologies introduced in this paper have the potential to enhance the imaging performance of future SAR systems by one order of
magnitude if compared to state of the art SAR sensors like TerraSAR-X, ALOS, Radarsat-2 or Sentinel-1.
Wide unambiguous swath coverage and high azimuth resolution pose contradicting requirements on the design of spaceborne
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems [1]. This motivated the development of advanced SAR imaging modes with different
trade-offs between spatial coverage and azimuth resolution. Examples are the ScanSAR (or TOPS) mode which enables a wide
swath at the cost of an impaired azimuth resolution [2][3] and the Spotlight mode which allows for an improved azimuth
resolution at the cost of a noncontiguous imaging along the satellite track [4]. It is, however, up to now not possible to combine
both operational modes simultaneously in one and the same data take. This dilemma motivated further research towards the
development of new radar techniques for spaceborne high-resolution wide-swath SAR imaging.
A promising candidate for such a new radar imaging technique is digital beamforming on receive where the receiving
antenna is split into multiple sub-apertures. In contrast to analog beamforming, the received signals from each sub-aperture
element are separately amplified, down-converted, and digitized. This enables an a posteriori combination of the recorded sub-
aperture signals to form multiple beams with adaptive shapes. The additional information about the direction of the scattered
radar echoes can then be used to (1) suppress spatially ambiguous signal returns from the ground, (2) to increase the receiving
antenna gain without a reduction of the imaged area, (3) to suppress spatially localized interferences, and (4) to gain additional
information about the dynamic behavior of the scatterers and their surroundings. By this, it becomes possible to overcome
fundamental limitations of conventional SAR systems [5]-[20].
Several proposals resolve the azimuth resolution vs. coverage dilemma by combining a multi-channel radar receiver with a
fixed small aperture transmitter illuminating a wide area on the ground. An early example is a multiple beam SAR operating in
a squinted imaging geometry [6][7]. The squinted geometry allows for the simultaneous imaging of multiple swaths at an
almost constant incident angle and the combination of the sub-swaths yields a wide image swath without ambiguities (Figure 1,
left). Major drawback of this system is the high squint angle that complicates the processing and impairs the performance.
Another promising approach is the displaced phase centre antenna technique [5]. The basic idea behind this system is to use
multiple apertures in the along-track direction and to acquire for each transmitted pulse additional samples along the synthetic
aperture (Figure 1, second column). As a result, the transmit PRF can be reduced which enables in turn the unambiguous
mapping of a wider image swath. An extension of the DPCA technique is the Quad Array system [9] which employs additional
apertures in elevation to suppress range ambiguous returns [8]. By this, one may further increase the image swath, but the
drawback is a range gap in the middle of the wide swath since it is impossible to simultaneously transmit and receive radar
pulses (Figure 1, third column). A further extension of the DPCA technique is the High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) SAR
system [12][14]. This system combines a separate small transmit antenna with a large receiver array as illustrated in the fourth
column of Figure 1. The small transmit antenna illuminates a wide swath on the ground and the large receiver array
compensates the Tx gain loss by a real time digital beamforming process in elevation called scanning on receive (SCORE).
Multiple azimuth channels allow furthermore for the imaging of a wide swath without rising azimuth ambiguities. The
combination of the azimuth signals from multiple displaced apertures requires the application of dedicated multi-channel SAR
signal processing algorithms as introduced in [13] and further elaborated in [15].
The HRWS concept relies on a fixed wide-area illumination by a separate transmit antenna. This enables an independent
electrical design and optimization of the transmit and receive paths, but it requires also the accommodation of an additional
antenna on the spacecraft and reduces the flexibility to operate the radar system in different SAR imaging modes like ultra-
wide-swath ScanSAR, high SNR spotlight, or new hybrid modes to be discussed later. It is hence worth to consider also the
application of digital beamforming techniques in radar systems that use the same antenna for both the transmission and
reception of radar pulses, thereby taking advantage of already existing space-qualified T/R module technology. Since a large
aperture corresponds typically to a narrow beam, this poses in turn the question of how to distribute the signal energy on the
ground. The trivial solution for a large-area direct radiating array would be amplitude tapering, or as an extreme case, the use of
Advanced Digital Beamforming Concepts for High Performance
nthetic A
erture Radar (SAR) Ima