"PMAT 2000 数据装载机说明书及应用介绍"

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The PMAT 2000, also known as Portable Maintenance Access Terminal 2000 or P2KOS, is a versatile tool designed for data loading and software management in the aviation industry. It is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, and Windows 7 operating systems, making it suitable for a wide range of aircraft maintenance tasks. The main components of the PMAT 2000 include the PDL615 Data Loading system, 615A Loadstar software, and Loadable Software Airplane Parts (LSAP) Management system. These components allow for efficient data loading and management of software for aircraft parts. The PMAT 2000 can operate in standalone mode or be networked via the LoadStar Server Enterprise (LSE) for enhanced functionality. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for aircraft technicians and maintenance personnel in various settings. Overall, the PMAT 2000 is a reliable and user-friendly device that streamlines data loading and software management processes in the aviation industry. Its innovative features and compatibility with multiple operating systems make it a valuable asset for aircraft maintenance operations.

将这个代码转为QT#include "mat.h" int main() { MATFile *pmat;//指向mat文件的指针 const char **dir;//元素名列表 const char *file;//要打开的mat文件名 int ndir;//mat文件中的元素(矩阵、元胞)个数 mxArray cell1;//指向要读取的元胞数据的指针 mxArray mat1;//指向元胞中某个元素的指针 double a;//指向元胞中某个元素第一个数据的指针 int cellM,cellN,M,N; int count; int i,j; file="cellMat.mat"; //要打开的mat文件名 pmat = matOpen(file, "r");//打开文件,返回指向文件指针 if (pmat == NULL) { printf("打开mat文件失败!"); return 0; } //读取mat文件中的矩阵列表(返回mat中包含的元素的名字) dir = (const char **)matGetDir(pmat, &ndir); if (dir == NULL) { printf("读取mat文件失败!"); return 0; } //输出cellMat.mat中的元素数量 printf("%s文件中一共有%d个元素\n",file,ndir); //从打开的mat文件中(pamt)读取名字为dir[0]的元胞 //(返回指向该矩阵的指针,注意:MATLAB中的矩阵是按列优先存储到) cell1 = matGetVariable(pmat,dir[0]);//指向名字为dir[0]的元胞 cellM = (int)mxGetM(cell1);//获取元胞的行数 cellN = (int)mxGetN(cell1);//获取元胞的列数 //按列优先依次读取元胞中的数据 for(count=0;count<cellMcellM;count++) { mat1 = mxGetCell(cell1,count);//按列优先,指向元胞中的第count+1个元素 a = (double)mxGetData(mat1);//指向mat1中的第一个数据 M = (int)mxGetM(mat1);//获取mat1的行数 N = (int)mxGetN(mat1);//获取mat1的列数 printf("元素%d的维数为:(%d,%d)\n",count,M,N); for (i=0;i<M;i++) { for (j=0;j<N;j++) printf("%-5.4f ",a[jM+i]); printf("\n"); } } matClose(pmat);//关闭文件 return 0; }

2023-06-11 上传