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"复杂网络上能量输运-planning algorithms pdf书" 本文主要探讨了在复杂网络上能量输运的问题,特别是在热能传播的背景下。复杂网络由节点和边构成,节点代表原子链的交点,边则用弹簧来象征两个相邻节点间的原子链部分。为了模拟热传导,考虑到了热传导系数κ对系统大小的依赖性,通过设定不同的耦合强度来反映不同链长的影响,从而得到加权网络。这样的网络可以嵌入到二维物理空间中,例如图8.31所示。 在这样的网络中,两个随机选择的节点9和2被设定为热源,分别接触温度为h_T和l_T。研究的重点是热流从节点1_i流向2_i如何依赖于网络结构。每个节点被视为一个一维的FPU-β模型,其动力学由哈密顿量描述,包括动能和势能项。哈密顿量包含节点之间的耦合项,表示相邻节点之间的相互作用。 复杂网络的研究始于1998年和1999年Nature和Science杂志上发表的两篇开创性论文,由D.J. Watts和S.H. Strogatz以及A.L. Barabási和R. Albert撰写。这两篇论文揭示了许多实际网络具有小世界性和无标度性的共同特征。小世界性意味着网络中节点间的平均距离短且集群系数高,而无标度性则表现为节点邻边数的概率分布遵循幂律,这在规则网络和随机网络中是不存在的。这些特性使得复杂网络在很多实际系统中,如交通网、电力网和人际关系网中找到对应。 小世界性可以通过远程、跳跃性和随机性的相互作用机制来解释,而无标度性则归因于“富者更富”的演化规则,即在网络形成过程中,拥有更多连接的节点更可能继续增加其连接。这种现象在统计物理学中有着重要的意义,因为它展示了网络结构的动态形成过程和稳定状态。 通过对复杂网络的研究,科学家能够更好地理解和预测能量在复杂系统中的传递和分布,这对于优化能源利用、设计高效能源传输网络和理解自然界中的各种复杂系统行为具有重要意义。同时,复杂网络理论也为人工智能、系统科学、社会网络分析等领域提供了理论基础和分析工具。
2009-01-16 上传
This book presents a unified treatment of many different kinds of planning algorithms. The subject lies at the crossroads between robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and computer graphics. The particular subjects covered include motion planning, discrete planning, planning under uncertainty, sensor-based planning, visibility, decision-theoretic planning, game theory, information spaces, reinforcement learning, nonlinear systems, trajectory planning, nonholonomic planning, and kinodynamic planning. "Motion planning is an important field of research with applications in such diverse terrains as robotics, molecular modeling, virtual environments, and games. Over the past two decades a huge number of techniques have been developed, all with their merits and shortcomings. The book by Steve LaValle gives an excellent overview of the current state of the art in the field. It should lie on the desk of everybody that is involved in motion planning research or the use of motion planning in applications." _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___) ___) ___ | _ (_ _)/___) | || ____( (_| / ___ | | | || |_| | | | | | ____| | | || |_|___ | _)_____)___ _____|_) __)___/|_| |_| |_____)_| |_| __|___/ (_____| -LEGAL TORRENTS Purpose: create a balance, share the already free stuff, public domain works, freeware, free music, free ebooks, articles, manifestos, movie trailers, and more. show the copyright owners that torrent websites shouldn't bear the responsibility of what their users upload, torrent websites are very much similar to google.. users upload what they want to upload, download what they want to download, and search for what they want to search.. by creating this balance and sharing the already free stuff, we hope to take the pressure of torrent websites.. _ _ | | | | _ _ | | _____ ____ _____| | _| |_ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ | || ___ |/ _ (____ | | (_ _) _ / ___)