第 34 卷第 9 期
哈 尔 滨 工 程 大 学 学 报
Vol.34 №.9
2013 年 9 月
Journal of Harbin Engineering University
适合可渗海床上波浪传播的高阶 Boussinesq 方程
, 房克照
, 孙昭晨
(1.大连海事大学 交通运输管理学院,辽宁 大连 116026; 2. 大连理工大学 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,
辽宁 大连 116023;3.长沙理工大学 水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410014)
摘 要:为在数学模型中考虑渗透性介质对波浪传播的影响,在多孔介质流体运动方程中引入拖曳阻力和惯性力,引出
Laplace 方程和边界条件.对控制方程无因次化,并以自由表面处速度势和交界面上的速度势进行幂级展开,推导了以静
止水平面上速度、交界面上速度和波面升高 3 个变量表达的 Boussinesq 方程.给出积分平均速度或任一水深处速度与以
上 2 个速度之间的关系式,进而推导出另外 2 个 Boussinesq 方程,并通过引入高阶色散项对方程进行加强以拓展其适用
影响时,在 2%误差下,四阶方程可适用最大无因次水深达到 5.82.该高阶 Boussinesq 方程不仅可用于研究渗透海床上波
关键词:可渗海床;波浪;Boussinesq 方程;相速度;衰减率
doi:10.3969 / j.issn.1006⁃7043. 201303022
网络出版地址:http: / / www.cnki.net / kcms / detail / 23.1390.U.20130709.1728.011.html
中图分类号: O353.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006⁃7043(2013)09⁃1100⁃08
High order Boussinesq equations for wave propagation
over permeable seabed
LIU Zhongbo
,FANG Kezhao
,SUN Zhaochen
(1. Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Coastal and
Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China; 3. Water Science and Water Disaster Prevention and
Control in Hunan Province Key Laboratory, Changsha University of Technology, Changsha 410014, China)
Abstract:To consider the effect of porous media on wave propagation in mathematical model, the drag resistance
force and inertial force of the porous media were included in the fluid motion, and the corresponding Laplace equa⁃
tion and boundary conditions were given. First cancelling out the dimensions of control equations, and then starting
from the velocity potentials in still water depth and in the interface to conduct exponential expansion, thus a Bouss⁃
inesq model was derived with the expressions of three variables, including two velocities in still water depth and in
the interface, and wave surface lifted height. The other two sets of Boussinesq equations were also derived, which
were formulated using integrated mean velocities, or relational expression of the velocity in arbitrary water depth and
the above⁃mentioned two velocities. The high⁃order dispersion term embodied in the newly derived equations for the
purpose of expanding it to deeper water depth was theoretically analyzed, and phase speed and damping rate were
compared against the analytical solutions. The fourth⁃order dispersive model was found to be the most accurate one.
Neglecting the effect of porous seabed, the fourth⁃order Boussinesq model had a promising dispersive property and
can be applicable to maximum water depth
5.82 within 2% error. The high⁃order Boussinesq model is thus expec⁃
ted to be applicable to wave propagation not only over permeable seabed but also over deep water evolution over im⁃
permeable seabed.
Keywords:porous seabed; wave propagation; Boussinesq equations; phase speed; damping rate
收稿日期:2013⁃03⁃10. 网络出版时间:2013⁃07⁃09.
国家自 然 科 学 基金 资 助 项 目( 51009018) ;国 家 创 新 研 究 群 体 科 学 基
金资助 项 目 ( 50921001) ;中 央 高 校 基 本 科 研 业 务 费 基 金 资 助 项 目
(3132013337) ;大 连 理 工 大学 海 岸 和 近 海 工 程 国 家 重 点 实 验 室 开 放
基金 资 助项 目 ( LP1105) ;水 沙科 学 与 水灾 害 防 治 湖 南 省 重 点 实 验 室
基金资 助 项 目 (2012SS02, 2013SS02) .
作者简介:刘忠波(1976⁃), 男, 讲师,博士.
通信作者:刘忠波,E⁃mail:zhongboliu1976@ 163.com.
明显的衰减影响. 因此,研究波浪在渗透海床上传
播变形十分必要,通常采用 3 种方法开展相关研究: