"Java SSM题库管理系统设计与实现:在线考试的灵活管理"
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ions are arranged by teachers, and exams are participated by students. This method is inefficient and inflexible, making it difficult for teachers to organize and analyze the exam papers of each course. With the mature development of the internet, various management systems have emerged. If there is a professional management system to provide online exams, it can help teachers and students.
This question bank management system is designed using the SSM framework, with Java as the language and MySQL as the database. Jsp is added to the technology to make the interface more rich and user-friendly. This system is developed for exams, with roles including administrators, students, and teachers. Students can browse and take exams online, as well as check their exam results after logging in. Administrators can manage student information, test information, generate exam papers, check grades, and manage grades and classes. Teachers can manage student information, view scores, and manage test and exam information.
In this system, students can have a detailed understanding of the exam content, which is flexible and greatly helps students in their exams.
Keywords: Online exams; Test information; Exam management; Java language.
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