
0 下载量 135 浏览量 更新于2024-03-27 收藏 1.45MB PDF 举报
The presentation "A Look at Modern iOS Exploit Mitigation Techniques" at MOSEC 2017 by security researcher Luca Todesco delves into the evolving landscape of iOS security and the techniques used to mitigate exploits in the system. Todesco, known as qwertyoruiopzwhoami, has been involved in various public iOS jailbreaks and enjoys working on private jailbreaks in his spare time. He is particularly skilled in both iOS and PS4 systems, often staying up to date with the latest versions. In his presentation, Todesco outlines the typical iOS exploit chain, starting with an entry point often found in WebKit, followed by privilege escalation to gain access to the kernel. In some cases, a sandbox escape may be necessary to fully trigger the exploit. He also provides insight into the prehistory of iOS security, noting the vulnerabilities present in the early stages of the iPhone OS 1.0 system. One key focus of the presentation is the various exploit mitigation techniques that have been implemented in modern iOS systems. These techniques aim to prevent and limit the impact of potential exploits, making it more difficult for attackers to penetrate the system. Some of the mitigation techniques discussed include Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), Data Execution Prevention (DEP), and Control Flow Integrity (CFI). Todesco explains how these techniques work and their effectiveness in safeguarding the system against potential attacks. Overall, the presentation highlights the continuous effort by Apple and the iOS community to improve the security of the platform and protect users from potential threats. By understanding the exploit mitigation techniques used in modern iOS systems, security researchers and developers can stay informed and work towards enhancing the overall security of iOS devices.