Equation (9) shows that solutions found using ERM
converge to the best possible one. Equation (10) shows
that values of empirical risk converge to the value of
the smallest risk.
2) How fast does the sequence of smallest empirical risk
values converge to the smallest actual risk? In other
words what is the rate of generalization of a learning
machine that implements the empirical risk minimization
3) How can one control the rate of convergence (the rate of
generalization) of the learning machine?
4) How can one construct algorithms that can control the
rate of generalization?
The answers to these questions form the four parts of
learning theory:
1) the theory of consistency of learning processes;
2) the nonasymptotic theory of the rate of convergence of
learning processes;
3) the theory of controlling the generalization of learning
4) the theory of constructing learning algorithms.
The theory of consistency is an asymptotic theory. It de-
scribes the necessary and sufficient conditions for convergence
of the solutions obtained using the proposed method to the
best possible as the number of observations is increased. The
question arises:
Why do we need a theory of consistency if our goal is to
construct algorithms for a small (finite) sample size?
The answer is:
We need a theory of consistency because it provides not
only sufficient but necessary conditions for convergence of
the empirical risk minimization inductive principle. Therefore
any theory of the empirical risk minimization principle must
satisfy the necessary and sufficient conditions.
In this section, we introduce the main capacity concept (the
so-called Vapnik–Cervonenkis (VC) entropy which defines
the generalization ability of the ERM principle. In the next
sections we show that the nonasymptotic theory of learning is
based on different types of bounds that evaluate this concept
for a fixed amount of observations.
A. The Key Theorem of the Learning Theory
The key theorem of the theory concerning the ERM-based
learning processesis the following [27].
The Key Theorem: Let
be a set of functions
that has a bounded loss for probability measure
Then for the ERM principle to be consistent it is necessary and
sufficient that the empirical risk
converge uniformly
to the actual risk
over the set as follows:
This type of convergence is called uniform one-sided conver-
In other words, according to the Key theorem the conditions
for consistency of the ERM principle are equivalent to the
conditions for existence of uniform one-sided convergence
This theorem is called the Key theorem because it asserts
that any analysis of the convergence properties of the ERM
principle must be a worst case analysis. The necessary condi-
tion for consistency (not only the sufficient condition) depends
on whether or not the deviation for the worst function over
the given set of of functions
converges in probability to zero.
From this theorem it follows that the analysis of the ERM
principle requires an analysis of the properties of uniform
convergence of the expectations to their probabilities over the
given set of functions.
B. The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
for Uniform Convergence
To describe the necessary and sufficient condition for uni-
form convergence (11), we introduce a concept called the
entropy of the set of functions
on the sample
of size
We introduce this concept in two steps: first for sets of
indicator functions and then for sets of real-valued functions.
Entropy of the Set of Indicator Functions: Let
be a set of indicator functions, that is the functions
which take on only the values zero or one. Consider a sample
Let us characterize the diversity of this set of functions
on the given sample by a quantity
that represents the number of different
separations of this sample that can be obtained using functions
from the given set of indicator functions.
Let us write this in another form. Consider the set of
-dimensional binary vectors
that one obtains when takes various values from Then
geometrically speaking
is the number of dif-
ferent vertices of the
-dimensional cube that can be obtained
on the basis of the sample
and the set of functions
Let us call the value
the random entropy. The random entropy describes the diver-
sity of the set of functions on the given data.
is a random variable since it was constructed using random
i.i.d. data. Now we consider the expectation of the random
entropy over the joint distribution function