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The ultrasonic flowmeter based on monolithic integrated circuit is an important instrument used in industrial measurements. In comparison to traditional flowmeters, ultrasonic flowmeters have many advantages and are considered energy-saving devices. This design project focuses on the study of a time-difference ultrasonic flowmeter, aiming to improve the system's accuracy, stability, and reliability.
After conducting a thorough review of literature, the research selected the time-difference ultrasonic flowmeter as the object of study. The study included a deep theoretical analysis on how to enhance the system's accuracy and stability. The main research areas were as follows:
1. Studied the measurement principle of the time-difference ultrasonic flowmeter, including the propagation characteristics of ultrasound in fluids and the characteristics and installation selection of ultrasonic transducers.
2. Discussed and implemented a new method for improving measurement accuracy - the multi-pulse measurement method for ultrasound time difference measurement.
3. Detailed design and analysis of the hardware circuit and software programming of the flowmeter.
Keywords: ultrasonic flowmeter; monolithic integrated circuit; ultrasonic transducer; time-difference method; multi-pulse measurement
In conclusion, the ultrasonic flowmeter based on monolithic integrated circuit is a promising and efficient device for measuring fluid flow rates. Through this design project, a deeper understanding of the measurement principle, as well as advanced techniques for improving accuracy and stability, have been achieved. This project contributes to the development of energy-saving flowmeters and provides valuable insights for future research in this field.
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