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SAE-2020-J3101,全称为"Hardware Protected Security for Ground Vehicles",是美国汽车协会(SAE International)于2016年发布的一项关键标准,旨在提升地面车辆(包括但不限于自动驾驶车辆)的信息安全。随着车联网技术的发展,传统的软件安全机制已无法抵御日益复杂的攻击手段,因此对车辆硬件安全提出了更高的要求。 该标准的核心理念在于建立系统的信任度,通过设备身份验证、封装(sealing)、证明(attestation)、数据完整性以及可用性等手段来确保汽车计算机系统免受软件安全漏洞的侵害。硬件根(Hardware Root of Trust)作为基础,对于实现连网车辆和高度或完全自动化车辆的安全至关重要。它提供了一个坚实的信任基石,确保关键操作不受恶意硬件篡改的影响。 SAE-2020-J3101文档详细概述了适用于汽车领域的硬件安全机制,包括但不限于专用的安全硬件模块、固件保护、安全启动流程、以及硬件安全服务。此外,还推荐了一系列最佳实践,帮助制造商和开发者在设计和实施硬件安全解决方案时遵循,确保车辆在复杂网络环境中保持安全稳定。 具体来说,标准涵盖了以下几个方面: 1. **范围与目标**:明确界定标准的适用范围,关注点在于地面车辆,特别是那些依赖高度连接性和自动化功能的车辆。目标是提供一套全面的指导,帮助汽车行业构建安全防护体系。 2. **硬件保护措施**:介绍硬件层面的安全策略,如硬件隔离、安全芯片的设计和使用、以及防止物理攻击的防护措施。 3. **信任根的构建**:强调硬件根的重要性,它作为系统安全的基石,确保所有的操作都基于可信的硬件来源,防止被恶意篡改。 4. **认证与数据完整性**:规定如何验证硬件组件的身份和数据完整性,防止恶意软件的植入和数据泄露。 5. **安全编程与部署**:推荐最佳实践,确保在硬件安全设计、编程和部署过程中遵循稳健的方法,降低潜在威胁。 6. **安全通信**:探讨硬件如何支持车辆内部和与其他系统的安全通信,保护敏感信息不被截取或干扰。 7. **持续改进与更新**:鼓励持续监控和改进硬件安全措施,以适应不断演进的威胁环境。 SAE-2020-J3101不仅是汽车行业应对车联网时代安全挑战的重要规范,也是推动硬件安全保障技术发展和标准化的关键指南。遵循这一标准,可以帮助汽车制造商、供应商和开发者在开发和部署智能、互联汽车时确保其安全性,从而提升乘客和道路使用者的信心。
2020-05-26 上传
SAE-2020-J3101 美国汽车协会2016年发布的关于车辆硬件安全方面的标准J3101。Automotive computer systems are required to establish trustworthiness through device identity, sealing, attestation, data integrity, and availability. These systems must be res小 ent to a wide range of attacks that cannot be thwarted through software-only security mechanisms. A hardware root of trust and the hardware-based security primitives are fundamentally necessary to satisfy demands of connected and highly or fully automated vehicles. This document provides a comprehensive view of security mechanisms supported in hardware for automotive use cases, along with best practices for using such mechanisms. The goal of this document is to provide a common reference that facilitates communication among engineers across different parts of the automotive supply chain relevant to hardware-enabled security features. Silicon vendors will find this document useful in understanding the hardware security foundations and their corresponding use cases and applications that they should support to address vehicle security needs. This document should also bring more order into the diverse nature of hardware security features, so products are developed with the end use case in mind and with the right level of security. ECU suppliers and system integrators will benefit from the different security requirements and use cases outlined here as they assess the threats that affect their systems and the right hardware systems needed to address them.