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嵌入式Linux驱动开发是针对特定硬件平台在嵌入式系统中构建和实现软件功能的关键部分,它使设备能与Linux内核无缝交互。本教程由Sebastien Jan、Michael Opdenacker和Thomas Petazzoni等专家来自FreeElectrons公司共同编撰,旨在为驱动开发者提供详尽且实用的指导。 学习嵌入式Linux驱动开发时,理解Linux内核的特定头文件至关重要,如`<linux/xxx.h>`,这些文件包含内核编程所需的核心功能定义。由于在内核空间工作,开发者无法直接访问标准C库,因此需要对底层机制有深入掌握。 驱动程序开发的核心流程包括: 1. **初始化函数**:当模块被加载时,会调用一个初始化函数,通常使用`module_init()`宏声明,虽然命名约定如`modulename_init()`是推荐的,但实际函数名并不强制。此函数负责设置模块的初始化状态,返回0表示成功,负值表示失败。 2. **清理函数**:模块卸载时,执行清理函数,该函数由`module_exit()`宏声明。清理函数用来释放资源,确保模块的正确退出。 3. **元数据**:驱动程序需通过`MODULE_LICENSE()`, `MODULE_DESCRIPTION()`, 和 `MODULE_AUTHOR()` 函数声明版权信息、描述和作者,这些信息有助于用户了解模块的功能和来源。 课程大纲涵盖了以下关键主题: - **驱动开发基础**:介绍驱动程序的概念,以及如何设计符合Linux内核要求的驱动。 - **可加载内核模块**:讲解如何创建和管理能在运行时动态加载到内核的模块,这对于模块化设计和维护至关重要。 - **内存管理**:涉及内核内存分配和释放,以及如何处理I/O内存和硬件端口。 - **字符驱动**:专注于处理文本数据流的驱动程序,如串口、终端等。 - **进程和调度**:理解内核如何管理和调度任务,以及在并发环境下的处理策略。 - **睡眠与中断管理**:确保驱动在响应中断和休眠唤醒时的高效操作。 - **并发处理**:如何在多任务环境中协调资源和避免竞态条件。 - **调试技术**:使用mmap和其他工具进行驱动程序的调试和错误排查。 - **设备和驱动模型**:探讨Linux设备模型,这是驱动与系统其他部分交互的基础架构。 整个教程强调实践和理解,通过实例和详细解释帮助读者深入理解嵌入式Linux驱动开发的复杂性,并为初学者和经验丰富的开发者提供了宝贵的参考资料。FreeElectrons公司还提供了咨询、培训和支持服务,以及文档源代码、更新和翻译链接,鼓励读者参与改进和贡献。
2019-01-07 上传
Linux Driver Development for Embedded Processors – Second Edition 版本: Learn to develop Linux embedded drivers with kernel 4.9 LTS The flexibility of Linux embedded, the availability of powerful, energy efficient processors designed for embedded computing and the low cost of new processors are encouraging many industrial companies to come up with new developments based on embedded processors. Current engineers have in their hands powerful tools for developing applications previously unimagined, but they need to understand the countless features that Linux offers today. This book will teach you how to develop device drivers for Device Tree Linux embedded systems. You will learn how to write different types of Linux drivers, as well as the appropriate APIs (Application Program Interfaces) and methods to interface with kernel and user spaces. This is a book is meant to be practical, but also provides an important theoretical base. More than twenty drivers are written and ported to three different processors. You can choose between NXP i.MX7D, Microchip SAMA5D2 and Broadcom BCM2837 processors to develop and test the drivers, whose implementation is described in detail in the practical lab sections of the book. Before you start reading, I encourage you to acquire any of these processor boards whenever you have access to some GPIOs, and at least one SPI and I2C controllers. One of the boards used to implement the drivers is the famous Raspberry PI 3 Model B board. You will learn how to develop drivers, from the simplest ones that do not interact with any external hardware, to drivers that manage different kind of devices: accelerometers, DACs, ADCs, RGB LEDs, Multi-Display LED controllers, I/O expanders, and Buttons. You will also develop DMA drivers, drivers that manage interrupts, and drivers that write/read on the internal registers of the processor to control external devices. To easy the development of some of these drivers, you will use different types of Frameworks: Miscellaneous framework, LED framework, UIO framework, Input framework and the IIO industrial one. This second edition has been updated to the v4.9 LTS kernel.