ALICE Collaboration / Physics Letters B 740 (2015) 105–117 107
Fig. 1 . Invariant mass distribution of opposite-sign dimuons in the rapidity regions −4.46 < y
< −2.96 (left) and 2.03 < y
< 3.53 (right) in p–Pb collisions. In each
case, the full curve shows the total fit function and the dashed curves the signal component for the three Υ states (see text for details).
3. Data analysis
Muon track candidates are reconstructed in the muon spec-
using the standard tracking algorithm [44]. The tracks
are required to exit the front absorber at a radial distance from
the beam axis, R
, in the range 17.6 < R
< 89.5cmto reject
tracks crossing the region of the absorber with the highest density
material. In this region, multiple scattering and energy loss effects
are large and can affect the mass resolution. The contribution from
fake and beam-gas interaction induced tracks is reduced by select-
tracks pointing to the interaction vertex. In addition, tracks in
the tracking system are requested to match a track segment in the
trigger system (trigger tracklet).
The Υ signal is obtained from the invariant mass distributions
of opposite-sign dimuons with a laboratory pair-rapidity in the
range 2.5 < |y
| < 4down to zero transverse momentum. The
raw number of Υ is obtained by fitting the invariant mass dis-
A sum of two exponential functions is used to param-
the background continuum, and each Υ resonance shape
is described by an extended Crystal Ball (CB) function [45]. The
CB function is made of a Gaussian core and a power-law tail on
each side and is found to reproduce the shape of the Υ peak
obtained in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Since the CB tails are
poorly constrained by the data, they are fixed from the results of
the MC simulations. It is also necessary to fix the mass differ-
between states by using the PDG values [46] and to force
the width of the Υ (2S) and Υ (3S) to scale proportionally with
the Υ (1S) width according to the ratio of the resonance masses.
MC simulations validated these assumptions. The Υ (1S) signal to
background ratio (S/B)
is between 0.8 to 1.8, allowing the posi-
and width of the Υ (1S) peak to be free parameters in the
fit. The significance (S/
S +B) for Υ (1S) is between 6.3 and 11.6
the rapidity bins considered in the analysis. The significance
of the Υ (2S) in the rapidity ranges −4.46 < y
< −2.96 and
2.03 < y
< 3.53 is larger than 3, which allows a reliable mea-
However, due to the limited statistics, the significance
of the Υ (3S) state is too low to separate the signal from the un-
background. Fig. 1 illustrates the fitting method for the
rapidity intervals −4.46 < y
< −2.96 (left panel) and 2.03 <
< 3.53 (right panel). The measured Υ (1S) peak position is in
agreement with the resonance mass value from PDG [46] and the
The signal to background ratio and significance numbers are always evaluated
determining the number of signal and background counts in an invariant mass
range centred on the Υ mass and corresponding to ±3times the width of the
measured width (155 ± 25 MeV/c
in −4.46 < y
< −2.96 and
160 ± 22 MeV/c
in 2.03 < y
< 3.53) agrees with the results
from MC simulations. A similar agreement was observed for all ra-
bins considered in this Letter.
investigate the systematic uncertainties on the signal extrac-
procedure, different fits were performed parameterizing the
background continuum with the sum of two power-law functions
and using alternative invariant mass fitting ranges. Since some pa-
are fixed in the fitting procedure, the related systematic
uncertainties were also studied. The CB tail parameters were var-
according to their spread obtained by several fits of the MC
distributions in different mass ranges. The width of the Υ (2S) and
Υ (3S) were varied according to the size of the uncertainties of
the Υ (1S) width obtained from the fit. The latter method was
similarly used to estimate the systematic uncertainty related to
the fixing of the Υ (2S) and Υ (3S) peak position. The raw num-
of Υ (1S) and Υ (2S) in the rapidity range −4.46 < y
2.96 are 161 ± 21(stat) ± 9(syst) and 42 ± 14(stat) ± 5(syst),
respectively. In the 2.03 < y
< 3.53 rapidity range, they are
305 ± 34(stat) ± 13(syst) for Υ (1S) and 83 ± 23(stat) ± 10(syst)
for Υ (2S).
The acceptance-times-efficiency of the muon spectrometer for
the measurement of Υ , A × ε, is calculated with MC simulations.
The p
and y distributions of the generated Υ (1S) were extrapo-
with a procedure equivalent to the one adopted for the J/ψ
[47], to
= 5.02 TeV from existing pp measurements [48–50].
Nuclear shadowing calculations [51] were used to include the ex-
CNM effects. The systematic uncertainty was estimated by
varying the p
and y input distributions by an amount suffi-
large (based on theoretical estimations) to include the a
priori unknown impact of CNM effects. Since the available data
favour a zero or small polarization of Υ (1S) [52–54], an unpolar-
production was assumed. Particle transport is performed us-
GEANT3 [55] and a realistic detector response is applied to the
simulated hits in order to reproduce the performance of the appa-
during data taking. The time dependence of the tracking and
trigger efficiencies is taken into account by incorporating in the
MC simulations the dead channel maps obtained from the online
detector information and the trigger chamber efficiencies obtained
from a real data analysis. In addition, a realistic description of the
residual misalignment of the tracking chambers is included in the
simulations. The tracking efficiency is evaluated with data by an-
alyzing the
cluster distribution of the reconstructed tracks in the
detection chambers with the algorithm described in [44]. The same
algorithm can be used to estimate the tracking efficiency from MC
data. The systematic uncertainties on this value are obtained by