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What this book covers
Chapter 1, That's One Fancy Hammer!, introduces you to Unity 3D—an amazing game
engine that enables you to create games and deploy them to a number of dierent devices,
including (at the me of wring) the Web, PCs, iOS plaorms, Android devices, and
marketplaces on all current generaon consoles. You'll play a number of browser-based
Unity 3D games to get a sense of what the engine can handle, from a massively-mulplayer
online game all the way down to a simple kart racer. You'll download and install your own
copy of Unity 3D, and atmospheric Angry Bots demo that ships with the product.
Chapter 2, Let's Start with the Sky, explores the dierence between a game's skin and its
mechanic. Using examples from video game history, including Worms, Mario Tennis, and
Scorched Earth, we'll uncover the small, singular piece of joy upon which more complicated
and impressive games are based. By concentrang on the building blocks of video games,
we'll learn how to disl an unwieldy behemoth of a game concept down to a manageable
starter project.
Chapter 3, Game #1: Ticker Taker, puts you in the pilot seat of your rst Unity 3D game
project. We'll explore the Unity environment and learn how to create and place primives,
add components like physic materials and rigidbodies, and make a ball bounce on a paddle
using Unity's built-in physics engine without even breaking a sweat.
Chapter 4, Code Comfort, connues the keep-up game project by gently introducing
scripng. Just by wring a few simple, thoroughly-explained lines of code, you can make
the paddle follow the mouse around the screen to add some interacvity to the game.
This chapter includes a crash course in game scripng that will renew your excitement for
programming where high school computer classes may have failed you.
Chapter 5, Game#2: Robot Repair, introduces an oen-overlooked aspect of game
development: "front-of-house" user interface design—the buons, logos, screens, dials,
bars, and sliders that sit in front of your game—is a complete discipline unto itself. Unity
3D includes a very meaty Graphical User Interface system that allows you to create controls
and ddly bits to usher your players through your game. We'll explore this system, and start
building a complete two-dimensional game with it! By the end of this chapter, you'll be
halfway to compleng Robot Repair, a colorful matching game with a twist.
Chapter 6, Game#2: Robot Repair Part 2, picks up where the last chapter le o. We'll add
interacvity to our GUI-based game, and add important tools to our game development tool
belt, including drawing random numbers and liming player control. When you're nished
with this chapter, you'll have a completely playable game using only the Unity GUI system,
and you'll have enough inial knowledge to explore the system yourself to create new
control schemes for your games.