掌握CASE WHEN实现Mybatis条件判断的跨平台兼容性

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资源摘要信息:"如何使用CASE WHEN语法判断入参代替if test=user-name != null and user-name != ''" 在现代软件开发中,Mybatis是一个流行的持久层框架,它允许开发者使用XML或注解的方式配置SQL语句,并通过简单的方式实现数据库的操作。在使用Mybatis时,我们经常会遇到需要根据不同的条件动态拼接SQL语句的场景。传统的做法是使用Mybatis提供的`<if>`标签进行条件判断,这虽然简单方便,但具有一定的局限性,尤其是在跨平台兼容性和代码解耦方面存在问题。 ### CASE WHEN语法的基本概念 SQL中的CASE WHEN语句是一个控制流函数,它允许在SQL语句中进行条件逻辑的编写。它的基本语法是: ```sql CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 ... ELSE default_result END ``` 其中,`condition`是需要判断的条件,`result`是条件为真时返回的结果,`default_result`是当所有条件都不满足时返回的结果。 ### CASE WHEN语法在Mybatis中的应用 在Mybatis中,我们可以使用CASE WHEN来替代`<if>`标签进行条件判断。这样做的好处在于: 1. **平台兼容性**: CASE WHEN作为标准SQL的一部分,广泛支持于多种数据库系统中,包括Oracle、SQL Server、MySQL等。这消除了使用特定数据库功能所带来的平台限制,使得SQL脚本在不同数据库之间迁移时更加方便。 2. **代码解耦**: 使用CASE WHEN语法能够将条件判断逻辑直接嵌入到SQL语句中,而不再需要在Java代码层面进行判断。这样一来,SQL语句与应用程序代码之间的耦合度降低了,便于单独维护和测试SQL逻辑。 3. **代码可读性和维护性**: 相对于嵌套多层的`<if>`条件判断,CASE WHEN通常具有更好的可读性。当条件逻辑复杂时,使用CASE WHEN可以使SQL语句更加清晰,结构化更强,便于后续的代码审查和维护。 ### 示例说明 假设我们有一个场景,需要根据用户输入的`user_name`值动态构建查询条件,如果`user_name`不为空或空字符串,则需要将其加入到查询条件中。使用Mybatis的`<if>`标签时,代码可能如下所示: ```xml <select id="selectUsers" resultType="User"> SELECT * FROM users WHERE 1=1 <if test="user_name != null and user_name != ''"> AND user_name = #{user_name} </if> </select> ``` 而使用CASE WHEN语法,可以重构为: ```sql SELECT * FROM users WHERE 1=1 AND ( CASE WHEN user_name IS NOT NULL AND user_name != '' THEN user_name = #{user_name} ELSE TRUE END ) ``` 在上述示例中,CASE WHEN语法用于在SQL语句中判断`user_name`是否为空,并据此决定是否添加相应的查询条件。这种方法不仅避免了数据库之间的兼容性问题,而且在代码结构上更加直观。 ### 结语 通过以上分析,我们可以了解到使用CASE WHEN语法替代Mybatis中`<if>`标签的条件判断的多种优势。它不仅提升了代码的兼容性和可读性,而且有助于提升代码的质量和可维护性。开发者在实际开发中应根据具体需求和环境选择合适的实现方式,以达到最佳的开发效果。

帮我优化一下这个sql select e.id, e.mobile, e.encoded, CASE e.is_echo WHEN 1 THEN '已回传' else '未回传' END AS isEcho , e.order_no AS orderNo, e.pay_amount AS payAmount, e.operator_id AS operatorId, e.operator_name AS operatorName, e.operator_time AS operatorTime, e.remarks AS remarks, e.`status`, CASE p.pay_status WHEN 1 THEN '支付成功' WHEN 2 THEN '支付失败' END AS payStatus , CASE e.status WHEN 1 THEN '待支付' WHEN 2 THEN '已支付' WHEN 3 THEN '已退款' WHEN 4 THEN '订单关闭' WHEN 5 THEN '退款中' WHEN 6 THEN '退款关闭' END AS statusName, e.create_time AS createTime, u.id AS userId, p.pay_channel AS payChannel, CASE p.pay_channel WHEN 1 THEN '支付宝' WHEN 2 THEN '微信' END AS payChannelName , p.out_trade_no AS outTradeNo, e.third_party_channel AS thirdPartyChannel, info.return_amount AS returnAmount, info.return_phone AS returnPhone, info.return_name AS returnName from equity.equity_order_info e left join equity.user_info u on e.mobile = u.user_photo LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM equity.pay_message GROUP BY order_no ) AS p ON p.order_no = e.order_no left join equity.refund_info AS info ON info.order_no=e.order_no <where> <if test="mobile != null and mobile != ''">and e.mobile = #{mobile}</if> <if test="orderNo != null and orderNo != ''">and e.order_no = #{orderNo}</if> <if test="payAmount != null ">and e.pay_amount = #{payAmount}</if> <if test="thirdPartyChannel != null and thirdPartyChannel != ''">and e.third_party_channel = #{thirdPartyChannel} </if> <if test="outTradeNo != null and outTradeNo != ''">and p.out_trade_no = #{outTradeNo} </if> <if test="startTime != null and startTime != '' and endTime != null and endTime != ''"> and DATE_FORMAT(e.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(#{startTime},'%Y-%m-%d') AND DATE_FORMAT(#{endTime},'%Y-%m-%d') </if> <if test="status != null and status > 0">and e.status = #{status}</if> <if test="userId != null ">and u.id = #{userId}</if> </where> ORDER BY e.create_time DESC

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请帮我解释下面这段代码 <select id="listByUser" resultType="com.yj.model.vo.EnrollByUserItemVO"> select cc.*, cc.course_start_time AS courseStartTimeMd, ub.id ubid, info.payment_status as payment_status, info.total_money as totalMoney, ccc.category_name, CASE WHEN cc.course_video is not null and cc.course_video != '' THEN 2 WHEN (SELECT count(1) FROM crs_course_class ccc2 WHERE cc.id = ccc2.course_id AND ccc2.data_flag = 1 AND ccc2.class_video IS NOT NULL and ccc2.class_video != '') > 0 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS courseType from user_course_enroll ub INNER JOIN crs_course cc ON ub.course_id = cc.id INNER JOIN crs_course_category ccc ON cc.course_category_id = ccc.id LEFT JOIN order_item item ON item.project_relevancy_id = ub.id LEFT JOIN order_info info ON item.info_id = info.id LEFT JOIN user_browse uu ON uu.user_id = ub.user_id and uu.course_id = ub.course_id and uu.data_flag = 1 where 1 = 1 <if test="(publicId != null and publicId != '' ) or ( userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0)"> and ( <if test="publicId != null and publicId != '' "> ub.public_id = #{publicId} </if> <if test="publicId != null and publicId != '' and userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0"> or ub.user_id IN <foreach collection="userIds" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> </if> <if test="(publicId == null or publicId == '') and userIds != null and userIds.size() != 0"> ub.user_id IN <foreach collection="userIds" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> </if> ) </if> <choose> <when test="query.paymentStateList != null and query.paymentStateList.size() != 0"> and ccc.data_flag = 1 </when> <otherwise> and ub.apply_type = 1 and ccc.data_flag = 1 and ub.data_flag = 1 and ub.verify_state = 1 and cc.data_flag = 1 </otherwise> </choose> <if test="query.shelfStatus !=null"> and cc.shelf_status = #{query.shelfStatus} </if> <if test="query.categoryId !=null and query.categoryId != ''"> and ccc.id = #{query.categoryId} </if> <if test="query.learnState !=null"> and uu.learn_state = #{query.learnState} and ccc.prelect_way = 1 </if> <if test="query.paymentStateList != null and query.paymentStateList.size() != 0"> AND ( info.payment_status IN <foreach collection="query.paymentStateList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index"> #{item} </foreach> ) </if> </select>

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