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本文主要探讨了"油在立管:柔性管壁下牛顿流体的渐近模拟"这一主题,发表在2019年的国际工程科学与技术期刊上。作者们,Abdessamad Mehdaria、Mohammed Agouzoula和Mohammed Hasnaouib,分别来自摩洛哥的Mohamed V University-EMI以及皇家空军学校,针对海洋石油和天然气工业中的柔性立管进行了深入研究。 在当前的石油和天然气开采中,柔性立管被广泛应用,尤其是在钻井过程中,它们能够更好地应对高流速下的压力波动,提供更好的抗海流和涡流效果,同时展现出较高的刚度和耐受高曲率的能力。然而,柔性立管的灵活性也带来了挑战,如动态膨胀、刚度评估以及由流体-管相互作用引发的疲劳失效或内层损伤等问题。 为了理解和预测这些动态行为,论文采用了一种渐近建模方法。研究假设流体为牛顿流体且不可压缩,考虑了大雷诺数和小纵横比的非定常流动情况。作者利用薄壳理论及轴对称弹性小变形的特点,通过渐近展开法建立了一个壁面平衡的数学模型。这种方法的目标是通过与先前的数值和实验研究进行比较,提供一种精确且实用的工具来分析柔性管中牛顿流体的行为。 本文的贡献在于提出了一个有效的数学模型,有助于工程师们更好地理解柔性管在实际工况下的动态响应,以及如何减小潜在的失效风险,比如通过减少压力波动和振动,优化疲劳寿命。研究还遵循了Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) 许可证,确保了知识的共享和使用。 这篇论文不仅关注了工程技术的实际应用,而且在理论上深化了我们对柔性管中牛顿流体流动的理解,为该领域的进一步发展奠定了基础。

基于这些Budget aims/goals The current budget aim is to produce a solution while staying well under our project prototyping budget of $350. We aim to keep our budget below 50% of the $350, however this will only be achievable in the development phase because of savings of borrowed items from Shoalhaven Water. Final costings will be dependent on housing construction and will be decided after further discussion with Shoalhaven Water. Budget Estimate Most hardware components in the design are finalised for both the power system and housing, compiled in a full list, sourced, and budgeted. Changes to Previous Estimate: Updated the selected battery from the 6000mAh LIPO ($31) to 2x parallel 18650 2600mAh with battery holders ($46 + $7). Updated solar power manager and separate solar panel cost ($8 and $12) to a combined solar panel and power manager ($50) This solar power manager added an optional 5v input and removed the need for the voltage regulator ($5). Added two Stainless Steel U Bolts ($10) and O-ring gasket material ($5) for housing. The estimated total was updated from $273 to $340. Project Costing Hardware The supplied components include the mDot LoRaWAN device ($74), the voltage pulse reed switch ($93) (water meter and standpipe are already used/in field). The device cost will only consider the hardware involved. It will utilise the Shoalhaven Water pre-existing LoRaWAN network as well as their backend infrastructure for data storage and analysis which are additional costs that will not be accounted for in the budget of this project. The estimated cost of the device hardware per unit is $340. The full list of device hardware expenses is detailed below in table VIII. For the project prototype, Shoalhaven Water are supplying the LoRaWAN mDot, voltage pulse reed switch, standpipe and water meter, making the actual hardware expenses during the project just $173. This means that our design is $177 below our required project budget.

2023-06-03 上传