CNet: Context-Aware Network for Semantic Segmentation
Rongliang Cheng
, Junge Zhang
2, 3
, Peipei Yang
, Kangwei Liu
, Shujun Zhang
College of Information Science & Technology, Qingdao University of Science and Technology
FF & LeFuture AI Institute
NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA),,,,
Abstract—Semantic segmentation is one of the great
challenges in computer vision. Recently, deep convolutional
neural networks (DCNNs) have achieved great success in
most of the computer vision tasks. However, in terms of
semantic segmentation, it is still difficult for the DCNN
methods to take full advantage of context information and
determine the fine boundaries of objects. In this paper, we
propose a Context-aware Network (CNet), which utilizes
robust context information to improve segmentation results.
CNet has two significant components: 1) a feature collec-
tion module (FCM), which is constructed to extract low-
level contextual features including texture, layout, boundary,
local and global relationships by different receptive fields
to complement high-level feature learning, and 2) a novel
layer named ResGate, which is developed to select robust
contextual features from the FCM. The two combined
components can thoroughly explore context information to
improve boundary segmentation accuracy. We evaluate the
proposed method on the popular PASCAL VOC2012 dataset,
and obtain promising performance compared with related
methods, especially in the situation of similar objects or
objects in complex scene.
Keywords-Semantic Segmentation; CNN; Contextual Fea-
In this paper, we address the problem of semantic seg-
mentation for natural images. The semantic segmentation
task is an instance of dense prediction, and its goal is
to compute a discrete or continuous semantic label for
each pixel in the image. This task is both fundamental and
of great importance to a variety of computer vision tasks
ranging from traditional tasks such as tracking and motion
analysis, medical imaging, structure-from-motion and 3D
reconstruction, to modern applications like autonomous
driving, mobile computing, and image-to-text analysis.
Recently, deep learning has achieved tremendous suc-
cess in image classification [1] [2] [3] [4] and object
detection [5]. This huge success has received much high
attention due to the efficient feature extraction methods of
deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) [2] [6] [7].
DCNN has strong ability to capture high-level visual
features for visiual tasks, and this motivates exploring the
use of DCNN for pixel-level labeling problems.
Fully convolutional network (FCN) [8] achieves
significant accuracy by adapting convolutional neural
network(CNN)-based image classifiers to semantic seg-
mentation task, and has become the most popular approach
to dense prediction tasks. Many methods have been pro-
posed to further improve this framework. For example,
deeplab [9] refines feature extracted by CNNs with the
(a) Image (b) GT (c) Deeplab (d) CNet (ours)
Figure 1. Illustration of sample failure cases on the validation set
of the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset using the most popular deeplab
method (VGG-16). In the first row, most of the bottle is cropped,
so the segmentation result displays plenty of noises. In the second
row, a part of the cow is labeled as a horse. We also show the
results of our proposed CNet in the last column.
help of pairwise similarities between pixels based on loca-
tion and color features. This method uses the feature maps
of classification networks with an independent conditional
random field (CRF) based post-processing technique [10].
Zheng et al. [11] combine deep learning and CRF pairwise
inference as a sequence of operations through end-to-end
training. This approach improves the accuracy of FCN and
simplifies the additional operation with regard to the in-
dependent post-processing CRF. Further studies [12] [13]
on learning deconvolutional networks have tremendously
benefited from the recovery of input image resolution, and
even deeper convolutional neural networks [14] [15] sub-
stantially improve the segmentation benchmark. Despite
the success of these methods, the semantic segmentation
task still faces many difficult problems, especially when
considering complex scenes and multiple objects. One
example is shown in the first row of Figure 1. The bottle is
hard to be recognized because the majority of its parts or
regions are hidden or cropped. Another difficult example
is shown in the second row of Figure 1. The legs of
the cow are highly likely to be labeled as horse because
the bodies of the cow and horse are similar. Generally,
the segmentation task will be more challenging when the
object is situated in complex scenes or has an appearance
similar to other categories. As a result, bad or erroneous
segmentation results occur. In this paper, we argue that
these problems can be addressed by incorporating local
and global context information. Taking Figure 1 as an
example, a part of the bottle is cropped and the shadow
of the bottle is regarded as an object. In the second
row, the legs of the cow are labeled as horse. However,
2017 4th IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition
2327-0985/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ACPR.2017.31