the sky is [mask] .
the sky is
.the sky is
Figure 6: The difference between GPT and BERT in their self-attention mechanisms and pre-training objectives.
after GPT and BERT to reveal the recent develop-
ment of PTMs.
3.1 Transformer
Before Transformer, RNNs have been typical neu-
ral networks for processing sequential data (espe-
cially for natural languages) for a long time. As
RNNs are equipped with sequential nature, they
read a word at each time step in order and refer to
the hidden states of the previous words to process it.
Such a mechanism is considered to be difficult to
take advantage of the parallel capabilities of high-
performance computing devices such as GPUs and
As compared to RNNs, Transformer is an
encoder-decoder structure that applies a self-
attention mechanism, which can model correlations
between all words of the input sequence in parallel.
Hence, owing to the parallel computation of the
self-attention mechanism, Transformer could fully
take advantage of advanced computing devices to
train large-scale models. In both the encoding and
decoding phases of Transformer, the self-attention
mechanism of Transformer computes representa-
tions for all input words. Next, we dive into the
self-attention mechanism more specifically.
In the encoding phase, for a given word, Trans-
former computes an attention score by comparing
it with each other word in the input sequence. And
such attention scores indicate how much each of the
other words should contribute to the next represen-
tation of the given word. Then, the attention scores
are utilized as weights to compute a weighted aver-
age of the representations of all the words. We give
an example in Figure 5, where the self-attention
mechanism accurately captures the referential rela-
tionships between “Jack” and “he”, generating the
highest attention score. By feeding the weighted
average of all word representations into a fully con-
nected network, we obtain the representation of
the given word. Such a procedure is essentially an
aggregation of the information of the whole input
sequence, and it will be applied to all the words
to generate representations in parallel. In the de-
coding phase, the attention mechanism is similar to
the encoding, except that it only decodes one repre-
sentation from left to right at one time. And each
step of the decoding phase consults the previously
decoded results. For more details of Transformer,
please refer to its original paper (Vaswani et al.,
2017) and the survey paper (Lin et al., 2021).
Due to the prominent nature, Transformer grad-
ually becomes a standard neural structure for natu-
ral language understanding and generation. More-
over, it also serves as the backbone neural structure
for the subsequently derived PTMs. Next, we in-
troduce two landmarks that completely open the
door towards the era of large-scale self-supervised
PTMs, GPT and BERT. In general, GPT is good at
natural language generation, while BERT focuses
more on natural language understanding.
3.2 GPT
As introduced in Section 2, PTMs typically con-
sist of two phases, the pre-training phase and the
fine-tuning phase. Equipped by the Transformer
decoder as the backbone
, GPT applies a genera-
tive pre-training and a discriminative fine-tuning.
Theoretically, compared to precedents of PTMs,
GPT is the first model that combines the modern
Transformer architecture and the self-supervised
pre-training objective. Empirically, GPT achieves
significant success on almost all NLP tasks, includ-
ing natural language inference, question answering,
commonsense reasoning, semantic similarity and
Since GPT uses autoregressive language modeling, the
encoder-decoder attention in the original Transformer decoder
is removed.