《Let Us C》第五版:易懂的C语言编程入门

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“Let Us C 5th Edition”是由Yashavant P. Kanetkar编写的关于C语言编程的书籍,适合初学者,内容易懂。 C编程是计算机科学的基础,对于任何想要深入理解计算机系统或者从事软件开发的人来说都是必不可少的知识。Yashavant P. Kanetkar是一位在IT行业中具有深厚背景的作者,他在机械工程领域完成了VJTI孟买和IIT坎普尔的教育后,投身于计算机培训行业。他的专长涵盖了C、C++、VC++、C#、.NET、DirectX和COM编程等多个领域,并且是多个技术杂志的定期撰稿人,如Express Computers和Developer2.0。他目前担任KICIT(一家培训公司)的董事和DCube Software Technologies(一家软件开发公司)的负责人。由于其在.NET技术领域的杰出贡献,微软最近授予他“最佳.NET技术贡献者”奖。 《Let Us C》自构思到第五版的发布,历经了近十年的时间,这期间作者遇到了许多学生和读者,他们的反馈和建议对书本的不断改进起到了关键作用。这本书的第五版不仅反映了作者在C语言教学上的持续努力,也体现了他对技术的热情和对教育的承诺。 本书旨在教授C语言的基础,包括基本语法、数据类型、控制结构、函数、数组、指针、结构体等核心概念。它可能包含了大量的实例和练习,以帮助读者通过实践来学习和掌握这些概念。此外,考虑到C语言在系统编程和嵌入式系统中的广泛应用,书中可能还会涉及内存管理、文件操作和预处理器等高级主题。 学习C语言不仅可以提升编程技能,还能帮助读者理解操作系统的工作原理,因为C语言是编写操作系统和低级程序的常用语言。通过阅读《Let Us C 5th Edition》,读者可以期待获得扎实的编程基础,这将为他们未来在计算机科学和软件工程领域的进一步发展奠定坚实的基础。 《Let Us C 5th Edition》是一本适合C语言初学者的优秀教材,作者Yashavant P. Kanetkar的专业背景和丰富的教学经验使得这本书内容通俗易懂,易于上手。无论你是完全的新手还是希望巩固C语言基础的程序员,这本书都将是你不可或缺的学习资源。
2008-11-12 上传
It has been a journey of almost a decade from the stage the book idea of “Let Us C” was conceived up to the release of this Fifth Edition. During this journey I have met so many students, developers, professors, publishers and authors who expressed their opinions about Let Us C. They have been the main motivators in my effort to continuously improve this book. In particular I am indebted to Manish Jain who had a faith in this book idea, believed in my writing ability, whispered the words of encouragement and made helpful suggestions from time to time. The five editions of this book saw several changes and facelifts. During this course people like Ajay Joshi, Amol Tambat, Ajay Daga, Nandita Shastri, Mrunal Khandekar and Rahul Bedge helped in writing programs, spotting bugs, drawing figures and preparing index. I trust that with their collective acumen all the programs would run correctly in all situations. Anup Das, my colleague has a lot of influence on this Fifth Edition. He helped my clarify my thoughts and pointing me in the direction of Windows and Linux. He sincerely wanted this edition to offer “C, in today’s perspective”. I am hopeful that his dream has been realized. I thank Seema, my wife, for her friendship and for her contributions in everything that I do in IT in ways more than she could ever guess. Though she is a Gynecologist by profession she has the uncanny ability to come up with suggestions that make me feel “Oh, why didn’t it occur to me”. And finally my heartfelt gratitude to the countless students who made me look into every nook and cranny of C. I would forever remain indebted to them.. v