"IC Compiler II命令映射及优化方法_V4.5"

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The document "icc_to_iccii_command_mapping_v4.5.pdf" provides a comprehensive guide on mapping commands from ICC to ICC2, specifically focusing on the add_buffer_on_route and add_clock_drivers categories. In the add_buffer_on_route category, ICC Compiler II does not have the options -no_eco_route and -no_legalize, but instead offers new options such as -max_distance_to_route, -detect_layer, -snap_to_sites, -respect_gas_station, -respect_voltage_areas, and -max_distance_for_incomplete_route. This change reflects a shift towards a simplified usage model with more streamlined options for assigning loads to input drivers. Similarly, in the add_clock_drivers category, ICC Compiler II offers the command create_clock_drivers, which provides a similar functionality to add_clock_drivers in ICC but with new options and a more user-friendly interface. The new model assigns all loads of an input net to a single driver at the last level, ensuring better support and efficiency in the design process. Overall, the transition from ICC to ICC2 brings about new and improved features that enhance the user experience and streamline the design process. By understanding the command mapping between the two versions, users can effectively leverage the capabilities of ICC Compiler II and achieve optimal results in their design projects. This document serves as a valuable resource for designers looking to make the transition to ICC Compiler II and take advantage of its advanced features and functionalities.