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Summary With the progress of science and technology, the rapid development of the computer industry has greatly improved people's work efficiency. The introduction of computer information processing systems has completely changed the management of many systems. The library management system is an important part of the school management mechanism. Through investigation and research on the operation and management mechanism of the library management system, this library management system was developed. This system solves common basic problems in school library management affairs and related statistical work. The system includes six functional modules: system settings, reader management, book management, book borrowing and returning, system inquiry, and password change. The system uses JSP for webpage interface design, follows the MVC design pattern, and uses the open-source framework Struts. It adopts the latest technology in software design, with high development efficiency, flexible design, and a friendly and beautiful software interface. The system seamlessly connects through JDBC drivers and a MySQL backend database, which is an open-source database system with high integrity, consistency, and security. Keywords: library management; information management; JSP; Struts