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Penrose's generalized inverse matrix is a concept that extends the idea of the inverse matrix from singular (or full-rank) square matrices to non-square matrices. Penrose's generalized inverse matrix covers both scenarios. For a full-rank matrix A, A can be inverted to A^(-1), satisfying the properties A*A^(-1) = A^(-1)*A = I. This concept can be extended to singular or non-square matrices.
Penrose's definition states that for a matrix A ∈ C^(m*n), if there exists a matrix Z∈C^(n*m) that satisfies the following four equations:
AZA = A,
ZAZ = Z,
(AZ)^H = AZ,
(ZA)^H = ZA,
then Z is called the Moore-Penrose (generalized) inverse of A, denoted as A^†. These four equations are known as the Penrose equations.
In conclusion, Penrose's generalized inverse matrix extends the concept of the inverse matrix to encompass singular and non-square matrices. It provides a way to find a generalized inverse for matrices that may not have a traditional inverse, allowing for further applications and analysis in linear algebra.
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