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"《快速学习Python编程:第3版》" 本书是曼宁出版社推出的《快速学习Python编程》第三版,旨在为初次接触Python的新手程序员提供清晰、简洁的入门指南,强调Python语言优雅的语法和易读性。作者Naomi Ceder在这一最新版中新增了练习题,旨在帮助读者巩固所学知识。书中的内容不仅涵盖了其他编程语言共有的特性,还深入介绍了Python强大的标准函数库和其独特的语言特性。 前言由Python软件基金会的Nicholas Tollervey撰写,增加了书本的权威性。书中对Python的基础知识进行了详尽的讲解,包括变量、数据类型、控制结构(如if语句和循环)、函数、类和对象等基本概念。此外,还深入探讨了Python的模块系统,使读者能够了解如何组织和重用代码。 本书强调了Python的核心原则,如代码的可读性和面向对象编程。它涵盖了异常处理、文件操作、正则表达式以及如何使用Python进行网络编程和Web开发。书中还详细介绍了标准库中的模块,如os、sys、datetime和json,这些模块在实际项目中非常实用。 对于希望将Python应用于数据分析、科学计算或自动化任务的读者,本书还提供了关于NumPy、Pandas和SciPy等科学计算库的介绍。对于Web开发,读者可以了解到Django和Flask等流行的Web框架。此外,书中还涉及了测试驱动开发(TDD)和持续集成(CI)的概念,帮助读者养成良好的编程习惯。 书中的每个章节都配有实例和练习,以便读者可以动手实践并加深理解。无论你是打算自学Python,还是作为参考书来查阅特定功能,这本书都能提供必要的指导和支持。书中的内容全面且深入,适合不同水平的读者,从初学者到有经验的程序员,都能从中受益。 《快速学习Python编程:第3版》是一本全面而实用的Python教程,它以易于理解的方式讲解Python语言的各个方面,并提供了丰富的实践机会,帮助读者快速掌握Python编程技能。通过这本书,你可以踏上Python编程之旅,发掘这个强大语言的无限可能。
2018-12-24 上传
Summary This third revision of Manning's popular The Quick Python Book offers a clear, crisp updated introduction to the elegant Python programming language and its famously easy-to-read syntax. Written for programmers new to Python, this latest edition includes new exercises throughout. It covers features common to other languages concisely, while introducing Python's comprehensive standard functions library and unique features in detail. Foreword by Nicholas Tollervey, Python Software Foundation. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Initially Guido van Rossum's 1989 holiday project, Python has grown into an amazing computer language. It's a joy to learn and read, and powerful enough to handle everything from low-level system resources to advanced applications like deep learning. Elegantly simple and complete, it also boasts a massive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Python programmers are in high demand/mdash;you can't afford not to be fluent! About the Book The Quick Python Book, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to the Python language by a Python authority, Naomi Ceder. With the personal touch of a skilled teacher, she beautifully balances details of the language with the insights and advice you need to handle any task. Extensive, relevant examples and learn-by-doing exercises help you master each important concept the first time through. Whether you're scraping websites or playing around with nested tuples, you'll appreciate this book's clarity, focus, and attention to detail. What's Inside Clear coverage of Python 3 Core libraries, packages, and tools In-depth exercises Five new data science-related chapters About the Reader Written for readers familiar with programming concepts--no Python experience assumed.