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物联网技术及应用基础全套电子课件完整版ppt整本书电子教案最全教学教程.ppt;物联网技术及应用基础全套电子课件完整版ppt整本书电子教案最全教学教程.ppt;物联网的前世今生物联网技术及应用基础南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础剑桥大学咖啡壶事件 咖啡还没有好!南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础 物联网概念出现于比尔盖茨 1995年《未来之路》一书,在中,比尔盖茨已经提及物联网概念,只是当时受限于无线网络、硬件及传感设备的发展,并未引起重视。3《未来之路》南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础《 ITU 互联网报告 2005 :物联网》 2005 年 11 月 17 日,在突尼斯举行的信息社会世界峰会( WSIS )上,国际电信联盟( ITU )发布了《 ITU 互联网报告2005 :物联网》,报告指出,无所不在的“物联网”通信时代即将来临,世界上所有的物体从轮胎到牙刷、从房屋到纸巾都可以通过因特网主动进行交换。射频识别技术( RFID )、传感器技术、纳米技术、智能嵌入技术将到更加广泛的应用。4文件忘带了南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础世界物联5南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础奥巴马政府的“智慧地球”计划6南京信息职业技术学院物联网技术及应用基础2009 “ 感知中国感知中国”2008; The provided content appears to be a jumbled collection of keywords and phrases related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and its technological development and application. It mentions topics such as electronic courseware, electronic teaching materials, the history and development of IoT, and various events and initiatives related to IoT technology. However, the content lacks structure and cohesiveness. If you are looking for a comprehensive summary of IoT technology and its applications, it would be helpful to organize the content into coherent sections covering the following: 1. Introduction to IoT technology and its basic concepts 2. Evolution and development of IoT technology 3. Current and potential applications of IoT in various industries 4. Key events, initiatives, and government programs related to IoT technology 5. Future outlook and potential challenges for IoT technology By organizing the content into these sections and providing a more detailed explanation of each topic, a comprehensive summary can be created that effectively conveys the significance and potential impact of IoT technology. This summary should ideally be approximately 2000 words in length to provide an in-depth overview of the subject matter.